About our Health and the Christmas Event (Patreon)
Hello everyone, I have a quick announcement and some bad news sadly.
Both Tsukishima and myself have been severely sick for the last couple of days to the point where working was nearly impossible. And because of that we both fell a bit behind schedule, especially in regards to the Christmas event “Santa’s Help-out”.
It pains me to say it, but we will most likely not finish in time to release all 9 stories and pictures by Christmas day. And we really dont think it's a good idea to stress ourselves further while we have still not completely recovered.
That is also the reason why the Divine appearance picture hadn’t finished until today and why I didn't have time to work on the Poll stories yet. Please have a bit more patience with us, we hope to have everything finished by the new year.
Thank you all so much for your support and may Nagisa bless you all!