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Author and political commentator Jared Yates Sexton joins the pod to discuss the Disney Star Wars movies in great detail. Jared and I are both lapsed Star Wars fans and in this episode we talk about a bunch of things: our deteriorating relationship with these films and how the new Star Wars trilogy unintentionally encapsulates our political and cultural moment with their pandering fan service, nonsensical story structure, and corporations pretending to be artists. And we discuss The Rise of Skywalker's ill-advised return of the Emperor, and the shabby treatment of Carrie Fisher... 

Plus an extra discussion of toxic fandom as it pertains to Star Wars and Jesse's Twitter battle with Justice League fans. 

Follow Jared on Twitter

Jared's book, "American Rule: How a Nation Conquered the World but Failed Its People" (Dutton) is available now!



Don Irvine

Good episode. I'm looking forward to the podcast where you grab a couple of voice actors and reenact all the best Justice League twitter stuff from the last couple of weeks