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The author Jacob Bacharach joins the pod from Blacksburg, Virginia to discuss selected film adaptations of the work of sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick.

We feature two films that understood the assignment, striking the balance between properly adapting PKD while retaining the integrity of the filmmaker’s vision - Paul Verhoeven’s Total Recall and Richard Linklater’s underrated A Scanner Darkly.

We also talk about two projects that show how you can go wrong adapting Dick: John Woo’s last Hollywood film Paycheck and the recent Amazon series The Man in the High Castle, both works that fundamentally mishandle their source material.

Obviously we talk about Elon Musk, how High Castle feels like Nazi Mad Men, John Woo getting bossed around by Ben Affleck in Vancouver, and how much we both miss the actual acting of Robert Downey, Jr.

Follow Jacob Bacharach on Twitter and check out jacobbacharach.com

Teaser trailer for Total Recall (Verhoeven, 1990)

Trailer for Paycheck (Woo, 2003)

Trailer for A Scanner Darkly (Linklater, 2006)

Trailer for The Man in the High Castle, Season 1 (2015)



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