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Author and political commentator Jared Yates Sexton returns to Junk Filter to discuss the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its association with the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex.

I have seen very few of these MCU films, uncomfortable as I am with the partnership between Disney/Marvel and the U.S. Department of Defense, but for the pod I watched the recent Russo brothers trilogy of Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame for a discussion with Jared on the MCU’s stranglehold on popular culture and the role these superhero movies play to advance the project of US Imperialism.

Follow Jared Yates Sexton on Twitter.

Jared’s got a Substack!

Check out Jared’s show with Nick Hauselman, The Muckrake Podcast

Origin Story” - recruitment commercial for the U.S. Air Force that ran before American screenings of Captain Marvelin March 2019

“Why Captain Marvel is a Recruiting Win for the Air Force” by James Barber, for Military.com, March 20, 2019



Davide Lombardi

I think I lost some friends because I liked this.