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Rob Rousseau returns to the show from Montreal for an episode commemorating this week’s 40th anniversary of Return of the Jedi.

Episode VI of “The Skywalker Saga” is not on the level of the first two films in the original trilogy but it’s still a lot of fun, even if it shows the signs of what would become problems for the franchise. We talk about all the changes George Lucas made to Jedi over several revised “Special Editions” (to their detriment), how the successes of this film illustrate the failures of the other trilogies, and we discuss the sleazy Steely Dan vibes we got from revisiting Jabba’s Palace and the “Jizz-wailing” sounds of the Max Rebo Band.

Plus: the hypocrisy of Crime Minister Trudeau’s stated passion for Return of the Jedi.

You might be able to find the Despecialized version of Return of the Jedi at the Internet Archive.

Follow Rob Rousseau on Twitter, and check out his podcasts @insurgentspod and @TRRSpod. And The Insurgents has a Substack.

Teaser trailer for Revenge of the Jedi (Richard Marquand, 1983)

WLS Channel 7 Eyewitness News: Return of the Jedi midnight opening, May 25, 1983

The original “Lapti Nek” sequence from Return of the Jedi, removed from the Special Edition

Max Rebo Band - Kenner Star Wars toy commercial (1983)



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