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The first of MANY creatures. I'm going to be animating it in the end to be interactive, so people will be able to flip the pages. it actually makes me MAJORLY miss flash player because there are NO interactive web players online anymore, which means hardcore css or html5 coding to make it work [aka, huge pain in the dick]

Lucky me I already had a dossier file I made in 2021 laying around, though it had a much more rustic color, so I modified it heavily and we ended up with this. ♥

The general feel is inspired by Ark's dossiers/layouts but not so much their style though I will be trying to push for at least more realism in these. there will obviously be some changes and differentiation's between this one [the alpha-test] and the other pages.




I want to pet the neck tentacles.


Ooh it’s like an aardvark giraffe! I’m curious about what the insects they consume are like for them to also be so tall. If I had to guess it would be something like… colonies that build things like hives or termite mounts but up in high areas like tree branches or cliff sides. I also want to mess with their neck tentacles, I’m picturing like octopus tentacles just wiggling around but with the texture of an elephant trunk.


Oh an aardvark, I never thought of that! Their noses were designed around bat snoots! And yes griffaffee ofc. They actually also do the same goober ass position as griffaff when they drink. Legs splayed out and loooong neck smushed in the dirt. But they also go after insect nests in trees. Most of their diet is plant matter, the bugs are just a protein boost. Kinda like how some deer stomp birds and eat them because of a lack of nutrients where they live