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I was sketching a sexy scene of Aeryn showering then I thought of an alt and tossed in my pal's drake Libra for a laugh. Libra is the youngest pup on the ship, only a few revolutions old. we agreed he'd have never heard of an androgyn and therefore wouldn't react in the stereotypical way [disgust/disdain]




Lol, this is why you knock first, kiddo! I’m curious, is vocal pitch ever something that might be a “tell” for a drake’s, ahem, downstairs anatomy when it comes to androgyns? Or is it like in people where there’s enough variation (man with effeminate voice, woman with deep voice) that it doesn’t get processed?


I think for Aeryn her voice is similar to mine (I have a really low pitch/low voice for a chick) and she probably spent her whole life using her voice in the deepest fashion. Kinda like how the valley girl accent from cali became the token "gay dude" accent over time. Enough repetition and drilling it into your head and it becomes second nature.