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there ya go, chibi cute doofy doodles of how we got to where we are.

also if you dont recognize doc you're too young to be here


I'm so dumb, when I was reorganizing the little guys on the chart to their new spots I put the ancestor as wrong somehow. I'll just blame being tired and not having my favorite coffee e_e

i corrected it now.




YES spec-evo! Love it! Oooh the atavistic wings is interesting! I'm imagining every blue moon a drake with otherwise unremarkable parentage hatching with wings and causing a flurry. You've mentioned that rifts are extinct, so I guess depending on where along in the timeline it is would be an even bigger deal. Would there be cases of the wings having a chance of being even smaller or stumpier than that? Like.. chicken wing looking vestigial limbs versus the bigger-but-still-useless seen there.


Yes. Absolutely. XD the drake camina has TINY wings. They can come out almost any size but generally they’re too small for any sort of usefulness. I was mentioning the odds a bit above in the comments so you can get a ballpark. The odds go down quick the more drakes without wings breed but there will always be that .05 or 1% chance they just pop out of nowhere. Tho in that case it’s certain they'd be absurdly small


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