Beanstalk Battle Map (Patreon)
Ascend to new heights with this animated battle map, where a colossal beanstalk stretches skyward above a little village. Like in the legendary tale of Jack and the Beanstalk, are you destine to face a giant, or does some other foe await? With three captivating variants, all animated, you are ready for an epic adventure.
Happy Halloween. I hope you can find a fun way to let your heroes fight high above ground on this beanstalk! I know this map is a little out there but I thought it was a fun way to end the month. Thank you everyone for your support! :)
Patron Downloads
Trailblazer Tier: Beanstalk
Adventure Tier: All maps | All maps with grid | WEBM Animated | FGU v8 Animated
The Kitchen Sink Tier: Foundry VTT | Fantasy Grounds
FVTT files are also available on Moulinette or by connecting your FVTT to Patreon
Free version is attached to this post. If you are a patron, please use the links above.