Train Ride (Animated) battle maps (Patreon)
All aboard! Perfect for passenger transport and ideal for breathtaking battles atop its carriages, this magical train is certainly the fastest and smoothest way to get to where you’re going, as long as where you’re going is from one station to another of course. Featuring both the top of the train cars and their interior, this animated map is excellently suited for all manner of railway-related adventures, from heists to chases. Watch out for innocent passengers, though, and don’t fall off!
This one was both a pain in the butt and so fun to make. I hope you like it as much as I do :) And maybe if you didn't already plan for a train ride in your game, you find a way to work it in!
Patron Downloads
Trailblazer Tier: Base Map
Adventure Tier: Static maps | Map Assets | WEBM Animated | FGU v8 Animated
Big Damn Hero Tier: Foundry VTT | Fantasy Grounds
The Kitchen Sink Tier: Foundry VTT | Fantasy Grounds
FVTT files are also available on Moulinette or by connecting your FVTT to Patreon
Free version is attached to this post. If you are a patron, please use the links above.