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I feel like I draw the same ties/bindings too often, and I want to change it up! I'm open to any suggestions c:

I have a list of characters I'm going to draw as I get back into things, just need a way to draw them!


jerry jerome

Zip ties, hand cuffs, spreader bar though that could be hard to draw.


I haven't seen a reverse prayer in a while.


I'm always a proponent of armbinders of all varieties. I think the last time we saw you do one was that Mai and Yuri pic back in March, unless you snuck one into one of your sketches recently?


eagle spread, ballgag. That would be nice.


Box-binders are something I only learned about recently and don't see much, but I'm also partial to things like laser light cuffs and magic sigil bondage, though they're very rare


Not sure what this suspension tie would be called but maybe this: https://images.app.goo.gl/Ym7UtJTGPGkW8YfM7

Marion Garmel

I've always loved the look of leather belts as bindings. Just a bunch of leather belts, wrapped haphazardly but nonetheless tightly around the bindee. Looks so hot ❤️


My personal favorite it the frogtie, another one that you have done but not much is the lotus tie.


Hm, not sure, have you ever tried the invisible bindings before? Those are always fun to do lol


Materials, maybe some leather straps or other body-specific bindings (hand-mitts, arm/leg binders, facemasks). Type of ties, I don't think you've done a spread-eagle or suspension tie in a while; those could be fun!