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Well, it's been a hot minute, hasn't it? Let's get to it!

Final Assets: We finished the final few backgrounds necessary for this first chapter, which means it's finally time to start on the character rigging!  We did manage to get a little bit of that done yesterday, so now I can actually show you what the rigging process ends up looking like! In today's batch of update screenshots, you'll find a new variant of Lilith, with new face and hand poses relative to the scene. We actually got a lot more done than just that, but we also realized a tiny snafu...

In order to make....well, certain variants...We had to break the body model down further than I'd originally designed it to be, which isn't a bad thing! Actually, it means that - down the road - we can probably do something like costume variants, once I have the time to sort that kind of thing out! Now that I've done this for Lilith, the remaining characters shouldn't be too tough!


That's sadly all for now. As stated, we're now jumping into the process of rigging all the face and body variants we need to animate the characters, so that's gonna be our next big hurdle for the project, and presumably the focus of next week's update (There will be an update next week, I promise!) !Thanks as always for bearing with us, and supporting the project! See you Friday!





Looking like some neat progress. The backgrounds from scratch look amazing here; costume variants also sounds like a fun idea :D


Oooh those are beautiful backgrounds. Wonder if you've hidden anything in them...


These are a lot of fun! Looking forward to seeing how it all builds into the game!