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Spooky season, best time of the year!! Once again Charlotte is in need of new clothes...

The transparent vinyl sticker! ⤵️


The mini print!! ⤵️


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Ooooh this print is activating some neurons.


I think Charlotte is always in need of a new wardrobe. Lol I hope Earnest pays for at least half.


Plot twist: Ernest makes and repairs Charlotte's clothes to save money cuz he keeps destroying em


Charlotte would make any a man or woman go feral


I love that there's the slightest hint of blood that shows Ernest can control down to a fine level. Just to leave her clothes shredded each time


Hehehehe, that Ernest sticker is going to look perfect next to the sticker of kitty Daniel doing the same pose 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰