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Hey folks!

Sorry for the lower activity these past few weeks. I've been busy a lot irl with stuff. Some good stuff tho!

  • The Good: We adopted a kitty. She was prowling the roofs and we gave her food. We adopted her and she lives with us for a while now. Losing a cat sucks but living without a cat MAJORLY sucks. Guess I'm a cat person for life.

  • The Bad: We went and did a checkup on the kitty. She's got all kinds of problems from before adopting her (and she's not spayed). First we're doing out best to get her in good shape because she has A LOT OF CRYSTALS. No stones luckily. She's living a hard life with the cone right now but hey, she's getting healthier.

  • The Ugly: Taking care of her these weeks has been HARD. Like my wife and I have been taking turns to sleep and such. Add to that some family health issues (dad's getting the chemo, mom's prepped for a surgery too) and I have been finding myself either tired or with no time in the day for work.

Still, gotta keep on keeping on. It's also been a while since I've written one of these. I've find myself getting more tired these days, might be getting older I guess. But also less social with you all. This year has been difficult and I wish next one treats us a bit better. But less THE SADNESS, more WHAT ABOUT WORK THO:

  • Almost done with Lucoa's drafts up to 48wk. BRO SHE'S THE BIGGEST I'VE DRAWN IN THESE PREG-RESSIONS I TELL YA HWAT.

  • Priscilla's animation is still being worked on. Animating areolae is hard ; A;

  • Been trying (and failing this month) to keep a schedule of at least 2 drawings per week. Let's see how we do it this month.

Now, how about you? How are you all doing? Like I said before I haven't been as social with you all but I really wanna know if y'all are okay. For the americans folks out there particularly, guessing these last few months have been stressful too. Hoping you're alright.

I'll now get back to work. Boobs to ink, tums to render (and commissions to open too!). Seeya in a bit!




Good to hear ya got another kitty! My family just recently adopted a new dog after our last dog passed away last year


Ooo what’s the cat’s name? I’m sure they’re super cute! 💖

Kris hegeman

Don't stress! We understand and i personally don't mind waiting for content


Hope things are going well for the new kitty and your family too. As always, looking forward to any new art pieces you make. Thank you and keep up the good work Coffeeslice. 👍💙

A Man Named Jed

So what's the new fuzzball's name? I'm doing fine but you really should pace yourself so you don't burn out.


congrats on the cat!!


More hhhhh on the horizon 🫡

¤ 《Faded Existence》¤

Congrats on the kitten, bud~ things are about as well as can be in my neck of the woods. Thank you for asking and hopefully the ocean calms down sooner than later for you.

Co Cobana

Happy to hear you've got a new family member! Things aren't going very well on my end (the US is a hellhole), but I'm just gonna hunker down and pray I can make it through in one piece.


I'm also pretty close to adopting a kitty. We already have 2, but my mom wanted a 3rd.


Happy you got a new fur baby to take care and take all the time you need for them and all your ongoing family stresses. Super excited to see Lucoa and Priscilla's engorged sizes. 👀👀👀 Keep truckin as best you can and I'm sure we will as well.


Congrats on adopting a kitty, Coffee. I know what it is like to adopt one so long ago. It is amazing that you have all these things going on with you and wife's lives. Were it up to me, I would find no shame in taking a break from drawing and focus on the higher priorities of life. Health, your loved ones, etc. With all that being said, I'm glad you're doing alright. We as fans are naturally excited to see what comes next for your upcoming projects, we absolutely understand that there is more to life than just drawing. Best of luck with everything that's going on with you and wife's lives!


Thank you for taking good care of a kitty. Very hyped to see the biggest ever pregression.

Caleb Bedard

!s a kitten fan, i am jealous and happy for you, as a pregression fan, biggest you ever done is so exciting to hear. Take your time my friend!


Thank you. Sadly, I can't take a break. At this point I've become a bit if a financial pivot for my family so they do need me. So taking a break would be like de-prioritizing em 😞


I understand...then please, do take care of your well-being. It would suck for you to get burnt out from overworking.


I hope things go well with the new cat and that she'll be healthy soon. I'm excited to see your largest preg-ression yet. More bigger is more better in my book.