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Hey folks,

I think by now, it's safe to say the $300 mark has been surpassed, wooo!👏
So what does that mean???? Well. It means.

We're getting some goddamn character polls, yea boiiiiiiiiiiii

So how is it gonna work? Ezpz-lemon-squeezie.
Polls are gonna have 4 character options. Whichever gets most votes gets drawn, easy as failing homework. But of course, since there are some tiers here, there's gonna be also a bit of a variation for the total count.

Here's how it's gonna go:

  • All patrons will have access to the character poll.
  • $5+ patrons will have access to a mirror poll in which they can decide to either give their vote to their preferred character a 2nd time OR to another character (to keep things like super dramatic and stuff).

So to make it more simple: all patrons can vote, $5+ patrons have their votes doubled.
I already have a batch of characters ready for the first one so let's see what we can do now.

ALSO, last but not least important.

Reaching this milestone wouldn't have been possible without your help and I know I repeat myself all the time, I'm super super thankful for y'all's support. This has been amazing so far and I'm like pretty hecking excited to see what other stuff can be cooked up here.

So thank you, so so so much :')



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