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hey guys

sorry for vfc the lack of updates on the Yoko pics. my wife just got ill a couple of days ago so I've been juggling house and work stuff in the meantime. I'll try to get y'all the Yoko pics at least before May ends. this ones gonna big one.

thank y'all for understanding.



Hope she recovers soon, amazing work so far!! ♥️


Hey man, I love your art, but you can't produce good stuff when you're under stress. Take care of what you need. Handle your business.


omfg this is the last time i write a post from mobile what the hecc


She's more important. Take care of her first and foremost.


Your wife is more important, so it's absolutely fine to take time away from your art. I hope she gets better! ❤


Take care of your family, hope she recovers quickly and that you don't overly stress. Completely understand.

Sam Hain

Family = more important than pretty much everything. People you know = more important than internet randos (like us). Real women = more important than drawings of women. If she's coughing AND feverish, get her tested, even if you don't think she was exposed to COVID. If she's coughing with no fever, theraflu and zycam are my go-to's. If she has a fever, but no cough, acetaminophen (tylenol) won't cure her, but can help her feel more comfortable. If it's gastro (regardless of which end), make her drink often, even if she really doesn't want to; dehydration is one of the bigger concerns there.

A Small Dog

No worries if it takes longer than that! Family is what's most important! Bet of luck!


Thanks for the update! We understand though of course, and stay safe, well, and don't push it. It's all good :D Wish the best! Great seeing others really feeling the same way, you're all great.


She comes first; hope she feels better soon!

Filipescu Octavian Ioan

Take good care of her! Offer her a Slice of cake and a cup of Coffee :D, but in all honesty , get well soon