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Hey folks!

New month's here, half a year, that's like a lot. Crazy 2020.

So first thing first, I wanted to ask you guys about something. I'm having a super secret project in mind, might take me a bit to get it done just nicely. But it could be really worth it. That's what I wanted to ask you: Would you guys be okay with me skipping June's (and only this month) character poll? Of course, you'd still get more and more pics, but I need to get some time separated for this project. Lemme know your opinion on that one 🙏

The Yoko pics are now uploaded (just need to wait a week for ya $1 and $3 patrons!!!). I'll be also offering them as a pack on Gumroad. This image set took me a looong while + high effort but ey it was mother's month and we're all about that yeyeye

In other stuff! Y'all noticed that Patreon is a bit cabbage when it comes to loading? And moreso when trying to get them pics you wanna access, even from mooooonths ago? Yeah, it's a bit of a sucky thing but ey! Wanted to ask you since y'all my have some info on it:

- What do you guys think about storing the Patreon pics on a storage (duh) site? Of course, you'll be the only ones getting links to it. I was thinking making a whole archive of what's been posted so far. Or maybe do a monthly archive for easier access?

- If you guys are cool with that, do you guys have any reccomendations for sites to store stuff? Y'know, sta.sh, google drive, dropbox, all that.

- Maybe we can also make a mail list! So you guys not only have access to the archive but are notified when new links pop up and such.

Lemme know what you guys think!



I'm okay with skipping June in return for a secret project, that sounds exciting

derp scythe

A suprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Go right ahead dude! Take June off! I'm pretty sure whatever you got in mind will be juicy!

Jakob Schreier

I'd totally be down for a storage site/archive site it would make it much easier to access your artwork!

Simone Wolfeh

So long as the piccies aren't removed from Patreon. All the more places to access them is good.


Does this secret project involve what was on your Twitter earlier? That animation test? :3


You can definitely skip this month to have more time for this new project. Maybe every couple of months you can post a zip of all the content available here. Or make a post with one and continually update it every so often so you can only be completely up to date by supporting here.


What a fantastic idea :3


Don't mind if ya skip June, dunno about storage sites. I know another artist had a comic removed from Google drive because it was adult oriented. So, they may remove some of your more risky sequences.


Don't mind you skipping June if need be. Placing the files on a storage site would be super useful - although from what I have seen sta.sh is not a good long-term option (tiny storage space). Love your work!


I'd be completely onboard with a storage site, or private gallery, or something like that - especially if it was sorted more by content than by date. My joy is in seeing the art I like, moreso than seeing things by schedule :p on which note, I look forward to secret project and am happy to keep supporting you through a quiet period here to see it happen.


curiously enough im about to post something related to it but nope, it's not related to the secret project lol


Been a while, believe Toboro said it was TOS violation. Had a sex scene at the end of the comic. He re-uploaded it to Imgur