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ey you guys, while working on Bianca's pic, I wanna go and plan ahead for next month some pics. So I was wondering!!!

So, from the pics I've done over this
-checks Patreon's age-



So, from the pics I've done over this time, which one would you like a sequel of? There's a bunch so I'd like to have some involvement with you guys :D!

Please let me know in the comments!


Sasha Hoshikawa

Perhaps one sequel for the lovely Sunohara Ayaka?


Would REALLY love a sequel to the Shantae stuff you did!


I'd like to see a sequel to the bath house camilla pic

John Bradley

Shantae or Sunohara Ayaka

Joe Jack

More of pokemon Hilda


Was going to say Hex but... Either the tanned glasses girl or more Galko chan girls (especially for that inverted nipple) 👌


You make everyone look great. But it could be fun to see some more Mommy Yaomomo.

Goo Flana

Out all of your art I would like to see Io or Sunohara Ayaka up to you


My vote would go to either more milf to be pics of Yaoyurozu, or an unanticipated water-breaking pic for Riley the cowmaid.


The Melony pic you did a while back was probably my favorite piece, I'd love to see a sequel to that


I wanna see the "we can go bigger, right?" one where she actually reaches her hand with her belly :v


I also think a Melony sequel would be good. But I also adore Unova Rain Rosa. So I'd love a sequel to that!


(my other vote would go towards another Ryouna/Ryoubi pic because I don't see those often)


I would go for more Hex Maniac, but if you just want a sequel to a single pic then Malon.


Crossbreed Priscilla, as quite frankly there isn’t enough fan art of the fluffy tailed reaper.


mom yaoyorozu


addiction as well


oh and ochako, and maybe bremerton as well


i wouldn't mind a follow up of chifusa... say uhh either taking more boob from her enemies or discovering the ability to carry more bumps.


I would love to see your dark skinned preggo lady with glasses getting bigger to the point it touches her hands and more to that previous pic you did a while back ("we can go bigger") Also, CONGRATS ON ONE YEAR COFFEE!


More Camilla!


YO CONGRATS ON ONE YEAR!!! I’ll cast my vote with Gorgon please~

Filipescu Octavian Ioan

Growth spurt V2 , now with 4 times more growth! Or tsunat on top but she gets bigger all over , the lil semen demon


The 4 elf mom pics. Especially dark elf mom


Gotta throw my hat in for Sunohara Ayaka. Also CONGRATZ ON A YEAR!!


More of the nerd! An anniversary of her in any way~ I do love the Halloween ones of her, and that's coming soon!

Janus Rain

*banging pans together* HEX HEX HEX


Hear me out now, Dokanerd 2.

HowDareThee (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 20:42:47 Your preggo Elma pic is what made me support you, I'm very happy to see a follow up of Lucoa, but would love to see another Elma/Dragon maid character in general.
2020-08-25 03:45:57 Your preggo Elma pic is what made me support you, I'm very happy to see a follow up of Lucoa, but would love to see another Elma/Dragon maid character in general.

Your preggo Elma pic is what made me support you, I'm very happy to see a follow up of Lucoa, but would love to see another Elma/Dragon maid character in general.


The only one that I would say would be Yoko, but you said that it was getting something new anyway. Hopefully, she will be getting a milf-to-be version like Priscilla. Other than that, keep up the good work.


Maybe a sequel of Trainer Mom with another one on the way. Or a prequel of when she was a milf-to-be. I really love this angle of her: https://www.patreon.com/posts/trainer-mom-38727389


Only one? They're all so good that I can't decide. 🤯🤯🤯

Nikuko stan

Honestly I’d love to see the girls with glasses get a sequel

John (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 20:42:45 Would love to see another of Alissa the nurse <3
2020-08-25 17:39:59 Would love to see another of Alissa the nurse <3

Would love to see another of Alissa the nurse <3


I'd love a Cynthia in heat follow up.

JanitorBen (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 20:42:45 Some Samus would be cool
2021-07-09 20:42:45 Some Samus would be cool
2021-07-09 20:42:45 Some Samus would be cool
2020-08-30 22:56:52 Some Samus would be cool

Some Samus would be cool