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hey guys

now that I put some practice out of the way, I feel i gotta apologize to you guys for the lack of the regular stuff I put.

I don't know how to explain it but eh here we go.

this year I reach my 30's. I started drawing when I was 25 and sometimes I see folks who are like 21 and are so so sooo much better than me. And then of course I find out they've been drawing since they were 5.

now, dont get me wrong, I dont feel at a disadvantage against anyone (since it ain't a competition). But I do feel like I have taken so many missteps in life and this whole thing (drawing) has been the one thing I've ever been decent at. So I propose to myself "ey we gotta step it up, at least a little bit, just before we hit 30".

And so, starting January I put myself into practice mode. Of course, irl stuff got in the way and khjshjdjfsdfaasd

sometimes i wish times were simpler so I could get better at this stuff and get y'all like "OOOOOOO THAT SHIT IS SO GOOD YEYEYEEYE". But time constraints and life eh?

Anyway, I wanted to tell y'all sorry for that. I've reignited the lewd drawing engines, so expect more big curves. that's a promise :)!

Thank you for sticking with me<3




I know how you feel, Coffeeslice. I’m a writer- well, I like to think I am. I have written a lot since grade school. But I have never properly written any book, or published anything I’ve created so far. Either I am ignorant or too afraid. That, and I’m also reach that “30th” birthday this year. Suffice to say you are not alone, and the steps you are taking are good. Life is short but not short enough to not try. Keep up the good art work!


I feel ya there. I don't think ive ever found what I'm really good at just yet, but seeing that you improved so much in just 5 or so years is impressive as well as inspiring.

HypnoBassist (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 20:35:42 Every time you post art, it's that good shit. Come on bruh. You've single-handedly swayed me to the preggo ladies with how crazy good your art is. But i'm glad you're doing this for you. &lt;3
2021-02-10 16:41:51 Every time you post art, it's that good shit. Come on bruh. You've single-handedly swayed me to the preggo ladies with how crazy good your art is. But i'm glad you're doing this for you. <3

Every time you post art, it's that good shit. Come on bruh. You've single-handedly swayed me to the preggo ladies with how crazy good your art is. But i'm glad you're doing this for you. <3


Dudddeeeeeee m8 there is plenty of time, don't hurt yourself trying to prove it to everyone. Draw passionately!


As somebody likewise hitting 30 this year, I feel you XD But like everybody else said, age is just a number and you are killing it with your art! Keep up the good stuff!


Hey dude it's ok, some people are late bloomers, heck im picking up programming now and I'm turning 30 soon. You've done a great job, and I like the soft style that you have and it goes well with the preggo girls. Don't stop believing my man!


Thanks for the transparency big dawg! Keep killing it, we rocking with you 🧡


I'm a new fan so I dont actually know you personally but I'm already a huge fan of yours


your stuff always comes out hella good though, never disappointed


Your stuff is absolutely amazing for a five-year progression. 😀 And I can kinda relate to the IRL stuff. Had some plans for post-college life, but the terrible job market and huge student debt said to me "Nuh uh, no dreams for you!" Took the better part of a decade to finally make some semblance of a way forward, but it could be longer still before it really pays off.


Your art is amazing, and the fact that you continue to improve is inspiring. I am happy with seeing all the practice sketches you've been doing, and I look forward to blessing us with big curves in the year to come!


Your art at twitter got me pulled into joining your patron,I've enjoyed all the nice sauce on this