Updates before christmas (Patreon)
hey guys,
just wanted to let you all know on the state of things around stuff since i haven't talked much.
currently sick, i think i'll go to the doctor, it's mostly stomach stuff but while i'm getting well, it's taking too long on my own. my need some meds for it. it's a stomach bug and i should be a-ok by now but, well, i guess i am getting older :)
so, how have you liked the recent pics this month? I know they haven't been Samus. I'm kinda anxious that since the series is done, people might just not get interested in my work. so I wanna make sure I'm doing good by y'all folks.
there's animation and fully rendered pieces. I wanted to know what you like on em. I sometimes get self-conscious about the time i take with my complex pieces (apologies for taking so long), compared to a samus pic that was done p fast (by my standards). would you like more pics in the Samus Preg Log quality if it means more pics per month?
Also man! year's ending (dontletitsetindontletitsetindontletitsetindontletitsetin) so I'm completely overblown by the support and growth (heh) during this whole time. Thank you all. I'm like super surprised. Thank you very much. I'm actually tearing up, holy cow.
so yeah, thank you. Lemme know your feedback or other stuff you wanna tell me! Thank you thank you!