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hey guys,

just wanted to let you all know on the state of things around stuff since i haven't talked much.


currently sick, i think i'll go to the doctor, it's mostly stomach stuff but while i'm getting well, it's taking too long on my own. my need some meds for it. it's a stomach bug and i should be a-ok by now but, well, i guess i am getting older :)

so, how have you liked the recent pics this month? I know they haven't been Samus. I'm kinda anxious that since the series is done, people might just not get interested in my work. so I wanna make sure I'm doing good by y'all folks.

there's animation and fully rendered pieces. I wanted to know what you like on em. I sometimes get self-conscious about the time i take with my complex pieces (apologies for taking so long), compared to a samus pic that was done p fast (by my standards). would you like more pics in the Samus Preg Log quality if it means more pics per month?

Also man! year's ending (dontletitsetindontletitsetindontletitsetindontletitsetin) so I'm completely overblown by the support and growth (heh) during this whole time. Thank you all. I'm like super surprised. Thank you very much. I'm actually tearing up, holy cow.



so yeah, thank you. Lemme know your feedback or other stuff you wanna tell me! Thank you thank you!




You are doing excellent work

Conner Mackey

Ya draw reel gud. (You have some amazing art and I just like to lurk not comment but you want it You'll sometimes get it. Good job 👍)

Sasha Hoshikawa

Your work is all top notch even if it's not all Samus stuff. I actually kinda prefer whatever comes out of the polls despite me liking Samus a good bit mainly due to variety. Keep it up, Coffee, we got you. And may you and Mighty have many happy years.


Was a happy supporter before Samus, am a happy supporter after Samus. tits


beeg that is all


The content you've been putting out is amazing, whether it be animations, one-off pieces, full blown sequences, or the WIP updates! Don't pressure yourself to do too many large projects in a short span of time. I wish you good health! 💖


I like all of it. My preference is however to the non sequence stuff. So don't overwork just to have more of that.


man Samus was, like, an incredible over-the-top thing, don't think everything has to try and beat it, you're doing right by us for sure

Naransolongo BB

I wouldn't mind more pieces of Samus-log quality since it's still pretty good


The whole Samus series was great, but it's not the only thing I'm personally interested in. I've been enjoying all your other works, especially the ever-adorable plumpness of the Nerd. 🥰 Seriously, I'm loving what you've done and are doing now. 😁


It's nice to have a long set like Samus every so often, same with animations, but the pin-ups are glorious and probably how most people ended up here in the first place (the latest 2butt is a thing of beauty)! Hope you get well soon.


I always loved your work long before the Samus set. The Samus set was absolutely amazing but I'm not gonna love your art any less. I hope you feel better soon though


I'm somewhere in between Nicarus86 and D on this one. The Samus set was really, really good, but I joined a while ago for a reason, and I'm still here for a reason. I know that patreon as a business model makes you feel a certain obligation to do what the people want more of, and what I personally want is for you to enjoy what you do and draw what you think will help you grow as an artist and have a good time. :)


I've been following you for a bit so like, while I do love longer sequences with some story like that I really like the way you draw preg/thicc overall! And I've been really enjoying the stuffing content lately, would be glad to see more of that ^^

Susie Evans

Take care of yourself, that's what's most important. Since you ask though, all these recent pics/anims are really damn good as is.


A preggo expansion animation (that gets decently large) would probably transcend reality but it's probably asking too much. I'll be hanging around for a while because your content creation rate is pretty good and it's content I really like.


You don't have to keep pumping out Samus pics I've been enjoying your content long before the sequence started. I don't really have a preference just keep doing what you've been doing making big girls! Just make sure to prioritize your health everyone here will understand

icy mcCoolName

You keep doing you aright? You've gotta balance and be okay with having bigger projects like Samus, with smaller single pieces and sprinkle the odd animation. Rest up, it's a long, long road to accept that your work is good enough, especially when you do something really big. Take your time and you'll be right.


Appreciate all your hard work! Interested in the expansion into big bellies that aren't preg and always impressed by the animation. Please take care of yourself above all else!

Joey Mac

Holy shit, dude! I hope you feel better soon! I loved the Samus Pregnancy Log! It was super fun to keep up with and I always looked forward to seeing the updates. The animation stuff has been top-notch and I love seeing your process as well. It's been rewarding to watch you take the rough sketch to the final piece. Take your time, though, bud...health always needs to come first. Happy holidays and congrats on all the success. 😁😁😁

Commissar Eisenhart

I have very much enjoyed your recent works you have made consistent improvements over the last few months I look forward to more great work in the future hope you feel better soon have a good day or night wherever you are.


Your work has been amazing! I honestly would love the see what you create but it’d be great to every now and then get a Prego log with a female character like how you did with Samus. Hope you feel better and keep up the good work!


Aw that sucks to hear about you being sick, take care and rest up when you can with that. The Samus preg log has been super fun, and seeing your stuff is still very fun, lot of big and soft tums to be had with it and always fun to just see your stuff in general so I'd say keep up the amazing work on it all. The animations are a lot of fun to see, specially that current nerd belly one, that's gonna be a very fun one to see~ As for more pics in the Samus preg log style I'd be down for that, they were still super good and wouldn't mind seeing more in that style on occasion. And thank you for making such amazing stuff, been enamored with it for years and glad I can support such a skilled and genuinely fun artist, keep up the fantastic work and heres to the best with ya!


i will say i have reduced some checking on your stuff but i know i follow it. just focusing on finishing college myself so have been reducing content consumption across the board not just here. my own complaint is that i don't vote for winners heh heh. but enjoy it none the less. don't worry i think many look forward to your art getting posted aside from myself. get healthy is all i say

FillThatTum (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-01 18:34:13 Pace yourself. You've been honest and open with your audience and patrons, and that clear communication is really the key thing. The work volume and quality you're currently putting out is A+. Perhaps theming certain months or weeks is the way to help break it up. For example, maybe July is your Sprint Month where you create a rapid series of progressions. Maybe every sixth week is a Sprint Week? This means you could chunk down your workload into planned and manageable sections. Maybe even when you need a break but don't want to stop, just release funny b&w doodles? Otherwise as you're trucking right now is fine. Although if you do want an area to enhance, consider getting someone to do the sound for your animations. That would be a very, very big step up productionwise (but also take more time).
2021-11-28 02:32:56 Pace yourself. You've been honest and open with your audience and patrons, and that clear communication is really the key thing. The work volume and quality you're currently putting out is A+. Perhaps theming certain months or weeks is the way to help break it up. For example, maybe July is your Sprint Month where you create a rapid series of progressions. Maybe every sixth week is a Sprint Week? This means you could chunk down your workload into planned and manageable sections. Maybe even when you need a break but don't want to stop, just release funny b&w doodles? Otherwise as you're trucking right now is fine. Although if you do want an area to enhance, consider getting someone to do the sound for your animations. That would be a very, very big step up productionwise (but also take more time).

Pace yourself. You've been honest and open with your audience and patrons, and that clear communication is really the key thing. The work volume and quality you're currently putting out is A+. Perhaps theming certain months or weeks is the way to help break it up. For example, maybe July is your Sprint Month where you create a rapid series of progressions. Maybe every sixth week is a Sprint Week? This means you could chunk down your workload into planned and manageable sections. Maybe even when you need a break but don't want to stop, just release funny b&w doodles? Otherwise as you're trucking right now is fine. Although if you do want an area to enhance, consider getting someone to do the sound for your animations. That would be a very, very big step up productionwise (but also take more time).

Jojo The Splatoon Nerd

All the belly art took a toll on your belly!!! In all seriousness though, please please get better soon!!! And everything you've been pumping out has been well and truly incredible, it doesn't have to be the Samus stuff!!! It's all great, but please take your time to recover!! I'm not taking my sub anywhere anytime soon if I can help it!!💚

Dee Cross

Thicc is thicc. That Samus series was fire, but I'm here for anything you got.

Rarab (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-01 18:34:11 I know I can say you not doing samus doesn't make me less interesting in your art, I love that you do such an amazing job drawing curvy plump bodies and big bellies,, keep doing what you're doing! <3
2021-11-29 06:34:37 I know I can say you not doing samus doesn't make me less interesting in your art, I love that you do such an amazing job drawing curvy plump bodies and big bellies,, keep doing what you're doing! <3

I know I can say you not doing samus doesn't make me less interesting in your art, I love that you do such an amazing job drawing curvy plump bodies and big bellies,, keep doing what you're doing! <3


I absolutely love all your work. Your Samus work is your best IMO, I'd love to see more like it.

Christian Roman

Take your time health is important at least you let us know what going on hope you get well soon


Big UUNFFFF to all your work! Especially thicc nerd. I love her.