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Hey fellas,

Sorry for the silence these days. Besides the ankle injury delays, I've been working on the progression. It's something neato and I hope you guys will like it.
So big stuff.
Zelda is not the one character I feel the most connected with (I'm pretty neutral on the franchise) and I don't wanna disappoint if my heart ain't fully into it, so I'm hyping myself up by doing some neato stuff for it. Just give me a bit more time!

Thanks for your patience 🙏


Draegon Manaka

Please get better first! Your health and safety takes priority.


No worries, take care of yourself first as there's no sense in hurting yourself as your well being is more important


Greatness takes time. No need to rush.

JanitorBen (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-24 10:01:50 Whatever the wait, it’ll be worth it man
2022-09-19 04:09:23 Whatever the wait, it’ll be worth it man

Whatever the wait, it’ll be worth it man

UnlistedNinja (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-24 10:01:50 Do what you need to do. Your health comes first! <3
2022-09-19 05:09:19 Do what you need to do. Your health comes first! <3

Do what you need to do. Your health comes first! <3

samfish90212 .

My father broke his ankle recently and it's a troubled process. Take your time.