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hey fellas,

so if y'all have seen the WIPs for the Zelda preg-ression, you know which one's coming. the big animation. as such, animations take a bit more time, so I beg for your patience while I'm working on it. As with all other animations, I want to deliver quality so I wanna do it okay and not rushed.

in any case! hey! how have ya been liking the Zelda progression? And which week is your fave so far?

in other news, holy cowgirls, there's a lot of new folks around here, hot damn. I sure as hell wasn't expecting as many new folks. So I'm absolutely stunned. I'm putting my best effort in this animation, as well as the series so it's acceptable to y'all.

in other other news, shit's burning, around the world and the internet. I consider twitter my primary public site but man that stuff's burning. I don't think it's going down anytime soon but just in case I've put some backups in place so you can all find my stuff besides here and Twitter:


For all links:


anyway, i hope you fellas are doing alright. Imma keep working now!

see you guys later, and thanks so much for the support so far!
I'll do my best, for you all.




I’m loving the progress so far! It’s great seeing her tummy get bigger as well as she slowly begins to tower over Link


I came for the Zelda Preg and I’ve not been disappointed. My favorite is the next one cause they have just been progressively better each week. Though the last animation definitely sticks with me

Juan Setas

I'm loving the tummies and size play! Adding link was a great way to spice up this sequence!


The Zelda pregression is everything I hoped it would be and more! I believe in you to carry it out as you always, with huge tums and incredible artwork!


The amount of effort you've put into all the pregressions has been amazing even since Samus. And I'm happy to wait as long as it takes for the rest. This set in particular has been extremely cute. Super excited for more

Lelouch vi Britannia

I like the first week 00 because she caked up but my favourite being pregnant wound be 12 weeks


I have been greatly enjoying the zelda pregression and probably continue to stick around for months to come.I don't think twitter will disappear anytime soon though it is on fire. it might even become like the one hell pit tourist thing ( the hole that has been burning since the 80s?) either way congrats on getting the swarm of new peeps

A Man Named Jed

The progression has been going great so far so take all the time you need for the animation.


Whats going on with twitter thats different?


I like week 16 cause it looks like she's getting taller


I personally love week 12 and 20, I love how the breasts are just subtly getting larger. Belly shape has been perfection


week 12 for sure