Quick Question
- Lore 1
- Plot 2
- Backstory 4
- Pre-lim Designs 0
So, the first of the month has passed and I've spent it designing a few looks in Black Desert's Character Creator. So far, only 2 out of the 5 designs I have are planned to be involved in the story itself. The third is a male character and the creator is far too geared toward female characters to make it worth it, but it's still a basis to use. I also spent the late night working on certain character details and plot for The Valtler Line.
Now, my question: Would you all prefer lore, plot, backstory, or preliminary character designs to be posted and discussed first? I have something to work with when it comes to all of them, but I want to ask so I can start things off right. It will take time to get proper character sheets, though. Especially for the males and monster characters.