April Stories
- Ann 1
- Makoto 1
- Futaba 1
- Sae 1
- Hifumi 0
- Kawkami 3
Hey, everyone. With P5R around the corner, I'm really feeling like pumping out some Persona content. But, at the same time, I'm also trying to help a friend of mine gain some experience and following with his writing. So, I'm going to let my friend, @Ace70Black on Twitter take over for the month of April. He'll be doing the four stories for the month. If you want to read his content, before he does the Persona stories, you can find it here > https://archiveofourown.org/users/BlackAce70/pseuds/BlackAce70 <
But, back to the point! The content for the month will be public masturbation so that each girl can have their own spotlight. Below are the six girls up for vote and the 4 with the most vote will be the ones written.