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A loud and abrupt yawn left Sae’s lips as she allowed herself to take a momentary pause from the report she had been looking over. Leaning back into her seat with a stretch of her arms above her head, the audible cracks and pops of her joints echoed within the normally quiet office. A stiff grunt from her following suit, before letting her limbs fall to her sides. It was one of the rare occurrences where the elder Niijima displayed any form of exhaustion, and with good reason too.  

It had been three months since Sae had taken on the case of chasing down and uncovering the mysterious group known as the Phantom Thieves. Past and origins unknown, they were a bunch of vigilantes that somehow had the ability to ‘steal’ the hearts of criminals, in turn having them confess their crimes once they had turned themselves in. Initially, Sae dismissed the whole idea of stealing hearts, thinking it was impossible for anyone to ‘steal’ the hearts of someone else. But with the confession from former gold medalist turned volleyball teacher, Suguru Kamoshida. And the recent arrest of renowned artist Ichiryusai Madarame; who later then confessed to being a fraud on national television. It had become clear that there was more to the ‘stealing hearts’ method than Sae had initially thought. 

While the task itself was nothing short of difficult, if not impossible; Sae saw this as a golden opportunity. If she could bring these obscured vigilantes to justice, not only would she gain recognition for this arrest. It would be a fast track of climbing up the corporate ladder.

“Is what I believe,” She sighed, “The only problem is, I have little to no leads to go on.” Sae had to force down the urge to growl in frustration. Though she had been on the case for three months, she had yet to make any groundbreaking progress in her pursuit after the Phantom Thieves. She knew something like this was par for the course with any secret organization, Kaneshiro being a prime example; but this was ridiculous. No matter what she looked into, or any lead she assumed she had on this group. It all led to the same aggravating result, a dead end. 

She pinched the bridge of her nose, “Pull yourself together Sae, You can’t give up now. You worked too hard to get where you are, to allow something like this to beat you.” Turning her gaze towards the ceiling, the soft rhythmic ticking of her wall clock filled her ears. As the time reached near 10 o’clock, her mind began to wander, briefly entertaining the thought of calling it a night and heading home to get a full night’s sleep. Until it was promptly dismissed, the workaholic part of her almost chastising her for even considering such an idea. 

“Still…” She murmured, her voice barely audible. “I suppose there’s nothing with… taking a little break.”

Sitting upright, she gave on quick glance around her office. With a deep breath, she stood up from her chair, making her way to the door and locking it. Wanting to give herself some privacy for what was to come next. Returning to her desk, she set her papers and laptop to the side, taking a seat and letting out another sigh. 

“Just… need to let loose a little steam.” 

She undid the button to her blazer; shrugging it off along with her shirt. Casting them both off to the side, she soon got to work undoing her pants. A sense of rush passing her as she bit her bottom lip. Trying to stem the shaky breathing that wanted to leave her. It had been so long since she indulged in something like this, she had almost forgotten what it felt like. With her trousers and lace panties bunched around her knees and her black bra unclasped, freeing her sizable bust from its confines, Sae couldn’t hold herself back anymore. A hand was already at one of her breasts, squeezing and kneading the pale soft flesh, tenderly. While her second hand made its way down to her pussy. Using her middle finger, she traced along the lips of her tight snatch, a small hiss of pleasure escaping her, a part of her forgetting just how sensitive she was. Only emphasized when she brought her hand to her clit for a light tease. Brushing it lightly against her slender finger. 

“It really has been a long time since I touched myself, hasn’t it?” Mulling over the thought, she plunged two of her fingers into her pussy. Earning a long drawn out moan from the prosecutor, shocks of pleasure exploding inside of her from the mere penetration. Squeezing her breast even harder, she started pumping her fingers in and out of her cunt. Her pacing was slow at first, wanting to savor each and every moment of her fingers invading her core. Homing in and striking and her sweet spots, the stimulation from her manicured nails rubbing against the walls only continued to add to the overwhelming bliss. 

“Look at yourself Niijima, doing something like this in your own office late at night.” Moaned out the silver-haired beauty, alternating to her other breast, giving one of her erected nipples a sharp twist. Her back nearly arching out, “To think Akechi was right about you.” 

At the mention of the young charismatic detective, a frown temporarily sullied Sae’s beautiful features. Recalling a previous conversation between the two, and Akechi’s ‘subtle’ jab at her love life. Claiming how her obsession for overworking herself would never land her a husband. 

“Bastard,” She gasped, her toes curling from the pleasure spiking suddenly. “Where does he get off, commenting on my love life, like that?” 

‘As if you even have one.’ The traitorous part of her mind quipped. The jab at her, harsh as it was swift. It was moments like these, that made the elder Niijima sister think back to her little sister, Makoto. Sae envied her, though she pushed her intensely, wanting her to do nothing but succeed in life. Unlike her, Makoto had the luxury of her being young and innocent, being able to fall in love with somebody without a care in the world. Whereas Sae was relegated to a life of hard work she had created for herself. Not only to support herself, but her only remaining family left in this world. Her only source of comfort and release, being this; playing with herself shamelessly, imagining that a lover was the one caressing her like this.  


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