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“Lent?! Where are you?! What’s taking so long?!” When Lent said he needed to rush home and get ready for the adventure that the group was going to go on, Ryza didn’t think it would take him multiple hours to do. Nor did she think that he wouldn’t answer her when she stood outside of his home and shouted out to him. But when he didn’t respond, she knew that she needed to head inside to see if everything was alright.

Unfortunately, the first thing that Ryza saw when she stepped into his home was Lent’s father, Samuel, sitting on his couch without a single scrap of clothing on and a beer in his hand. He had a cocky smile on his lips, but an annoyed look in his eyes. “S-Samuel!? Where’s Lent? He said he was coming home to get ready to go out again.” She quickly turned her eyes away from the older man to not have to look at her body. Deep down, Ryza knew that he was still strong and very much in-shape if he was able to beat Lent the way he did at his age. But because she was dating Klaudia, it didn’t feel right for her to look at him while he was like this.

However, turning her head away from Samuel only caused the older man to laugh at her, bringing the beer to his lips before taking a quick swig of it. “Come on now, Ryza. Don’t act like that. I don’t know where my useless son went. I wouldn’t put it past him to run away when a beautiful thing like yourself is in front of him, though. He’s a bit spineless at times.” Samuel smirked as he got up from the couch, bringing the bottle to his lips once again. But instead of making his way toward her, he simply tapped his foot on the floor and chugged the bottle until there was nothing left. “Hey, will you be a good sport and grab me another beer?”

Ryza’s mind stopped when she heard Samuel ask her to get him a beer. There was nothing wrong with that, but with it being Samuel, she didn’t know if she should. She turned her head to face him, ready to shout at him and scold him enough to likely make him give up drinking for the day. However, when she got a good view of him, everything that was on her mind simply vanished. Knowing he was in shape was nothing compared to what she actually saw when she looked at him this time. He wasn’t rocking a six-pack or even completely defined in his muscles. But something about the toned body he had struck a chord with her.

Maybe it was because of the way he looked at her while tossing the beer bottle onto the ground. Or maybe it was simply the fact that she got a good look at his cock as her eyes drifted up and down his body. Whatever the reason was, Ryza found herself silently complying and making her way toward Samuel’s kitchen.


Before she knew it, Ryza found herself just as naked as Samuel was with five empty beer bottles around the couch, her head resting against his shoulder, and one of his hands on her plump rear end. He pawed at and mauled the soft skin of her supple ass cheek while a deep blush stayed on her cheeks. But she didn’t say a word to try and stop him, her eyes locked on the hard cock that was getting closer and closer to her face. Though, Ryza was so focused on the sight before her that she failed to notice the reason it was getting closer was simply Samuel with his free hand on the back of her head pushing her toward his shaft.

When it was close enough, Ryza stopped and struggled for a moment. She may be naked and enjoying the feeling of Samuel’s hand on her plump rear end but she was still Klaudia’s girlfriend. At least, that was the single thought that went through her mind until she heard Samuel chuckle and speak to her.

“What’s the harm, Ryza? A little kiss wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?”

With that very slight motivation in her mind, the heavy and wonderful scent of his shaft filling her nostrils, and the feeling of his strong hand on the back of her head, Ryza couldn’t help but give into Samuel’s desires. Her lips slowly parted as she leaned herself down on her own, taking his cock into her mouth and immediately starting to bob her head up and down its length. The fact that she was Klaudia’s girlfriend wasn’t on her mind anymore. The fact that she had originally come here to find Lent wasn’t on her mind. The only thing that filled Ryza’s mind as she moved her head up and down Samuel’s length was the delicious taste of his cock against her tongue.

And that showed as she picked up the pace at which she moved, even going as far as to force her way down to the base of his shaft. Even when she started to gag and sputter around his member, Ryza pushed through and forced her nose to press against Samuel’s pelvis. While she brought one of her hands to his balls, freezing for a moment when she realized just how big and heavy they were. Had he been pent up ever since his wife left him? Was Samuel just that much of a horny man that his balls were this full?

Whatever the reason truly was, Ryza couldn’t bring herself to care. She was far too focused on bringing Samuel the pleasure that he craved. That she was starting to crave giving him. The pleasure that caused her to close her eyes and simply give in to his touch. Especially when he grabbed onto the back of her head and started to move her along his cock at his own pace.


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