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“You would think that there would be noise on a night like tonight. Not only do we have a guest, but it’s his birthday as well. Normally, Mikoto would be throwing a party that we have to calm down before she gets too drunk.” Orochi let out a heavy sigh as she rested her chin in her hand, plopping herself down on the ground. “Isn’t that right, Kagero? Or am I just thinking about when Mikoto was younger?”

“When we have a guest, she usually likes to celebrate. Just to do something to show everyone that the guest is welcome. It is a surprise to not see something happening.” Kagero let out a gentle breath as she turned around to start making her way to Mikoto’s room. “I wonder if she’s asleep already. She hasn’t been sleeping well lately. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, Orochi.” She stayed quiet for a moment before starting to walk, getting a few steps ahead before hearing Orochi get up and start walking as well.

“Maybe you’re right, but I still feel like something is going on that we don’t know about. Maybe we should check on her anyway. If she’s asleep, we’ll leave her be. If she’s awake and just wanting a quiet night, we can talk until she falls asleep. Just like we used to.” Orochi smirked as she quickly caught up to Kagero, looking her fellow retainer in the eyes for a moment before opening her mouth to speak.

Unfortunately, just as she opened her mouth, Kagero and Orochi both heard their Queen Mikoto screaming in what sounded like pain. And neither of them hesitated to start rushing to her room, sprinting in a heartbeat to make sure their dear queen wasn’t actually injured. When they arrived at her room, Kagero threw the door open to see just what was going on and get a scope of the scene. However, where they expected to find Mikoto having dropped something on the ground, they found her instead getting plowed into from behind, the foreign lord that was here happily smacking her ass in the process.

Neither Kagero nor Orochi knew just what to say or do in this situation. It wasn’t the first time they had heard or seen Mikoto making love, especially considering that she has multiple children. But to see her in bed with someone that she met only today? That was certainly something they didn’t expect. And it caused them to stay silent long enough to watch as Mikoto got hammered into her from behind.

Mikoto noticed her retainers rushing to her aid from the sound of her screaming, but she couldn’t help but continue to scream and moan as the lord grabbed a firm hold of her ass cheeks. Her breath hitched in her throat as he pulled himself back far enough so that only the tip of his shaft remained inside of her pussy, making her gasp and push herself back against him. The pleasure that she felt being too good for her to give up on so quickly just because they were spotted.

“I’m sorry if we were too loud, Miss Kagero, Miss Orochi. Mikoto was doing a bit of drinking and things got a bit heated between us. Before we knew it… Well, you see where things ended up.~”

Kagero’s heart skipped a beat in her chest when she watched the lord suddenly spank her queen, a strange sense of excitement and lust growing within her. If he was able to convince Mikoto of all people to spend the night alone with him, that was one thing. But to then get her tipsy and have his way with her? Kagero didn’t know if she should feel disgusted in him or ashamed of herself for getting turned on at the sight of his cock plunging into Mikoto over and over again.

Orochi, on the other hand, was more than happy to watch her beautiful queen getting railed from behind. She had always found Mikoto beautiful when she was in the throes of pleasure, and to have a chance to see it again, she wasn’t going to let it pass up so easily. Sure, she was a bit confused on why Mikoto would sleep with a man like him after only having just met him, but Orochi wasn’t going to complain about it as she felt an all too familiar heat swelling inside of her core.

Of course, being the one getting fucked from behind, Mikoto couldn’t stop herself from moaning in pure and utter bliss as her retainers silently watched her getting fucked. The fact that they were just watching, not even trying to stop this man, turned her on deep down. The fact that she knew they weren’t going to stop him lit her up inside. Maybe it was a mild exhibitionist kink, maybe it was the fact that she knew her fun with this foreign lord wasn’t going to stop any time soon, or maybe it was the fact that she knew Orochi well enough to know her retainers were going to join in on the fun now.

Whatever the reason actually was, Mikoto screamed in pure bliss once again when she felt the foreign lord’s hand smack down against her rear end, leaving a clear red mark on her fair skin. “Orochi…. Kagero… I’m sorry you have… To see your queen… In such a state…” Hot, heavy, and blissful breaths caused Mikoto to almost stutter as she tried to speak, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she relished in the pleasure that was being thrust upon her. “But please… Don’t make him stop…”

Orochi and Kagero shared a quick look as they watched the man slam himself as deep inside of Mikoto’s cunt as he was able, both Mikoto and the foreign lord grunting and moaning as he unloaded inside of her. They both knew that if he was able to make Mikoto submit to him and give her body to him after only a day, he was the type of man to be able to handle all three of them for a night. And, with just how long it had been since Kagero and Orochi had been appropriately fucked, they were willing to join in on the fun for the night.

With a smile coming to both of their faces, Orochi closed the door to the outside behind her as she stepped inside with Kagero. And much to her surprise, she watched her fellow retainer undress almost right away, stripping herself of her robes while the foreign lord pulled himself out of Mikoto’s now dripping cunt. “If you can manage to keep things quiet, we’ll entertain you along with our dear Queen. That is a fitting welcoming present, don’t you think?”

Not one to be outdone by her friend, Orochi made her way over to the lord with a lustful look in her eyes. She playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she stripped out of her robes as well, exposing her large mounds to him as she got close enough to place a gentle kiss against his lips. “But if you’re going to start with anyone… I think Kagero would appreciate your… “attention” the most.~”

“You don’t say? Then I’ll have to give her some attention first. Please make sure that Mikoto is okay before joining myself and Miss Kagero.”


All it took was a few gentle and loving kisses and Kagero found herself giving into this lord’s touch, accepting the feeling of his fingers sinking into her breasts as his hands explored her body. And before she knew it, she had lost track of time and found herself moaning against his lips as he shared kiss after kiss with her, groping her breasts and teasing her pussy as Orochi approached her. But before Kagero could say a word, she was suddenly hoisted into the air, the foreign lord showing off his strength and hooking his arms underneath her knees before bringing his hands to the back of her head. “H-Huh?”

Orochi could only chuckle as she watched her dear friend be hoisted into the air like some kind of doll. It was an oddly fitting look for someone as well endowed as Kagero. But she also couldn’t stop herself from stepping close enough to squish her breasts against her fellow retainer’s while bringing their lips close enough to brush against the other’s. “This might hurt at first, Kagero. I know you can’t see it. But… He’s not exactly small down there.~”

Kagero’s heart skipped a beat at the confession of this lord’s size. The whole time she was making out with him, she was so lost in her lust and desire for his lips that she hadn’t even groped his shaft. However, she knew exactly what Orochi meant a moment later when he lowered her ever so carefully down to the tip of his shaft. And when he lowered her a bit more, she understood even more just why Mikoto screamed out in pain like she did.

Her breath hitched in her throat and she tried her best to not scream out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as her cunt was slowly filled and stretched out to fit around the shaft. It may have been a long time since Kagero last had someone buried inside of her, but as she felt herself being stretched out and almost left ruined around this lord’s cock, she couldn’t help but moan out like a whore in Orochi’s face, only being silenced by the feeling of Orochil’s lips crashing against her own.

Orochi felt her heart starting to race at the sound of Kagero’s pleasure. It was clear just from watching Mikoto just how good in bed this man was, but to see Kagero of all people giving into the pleasure and pain from having something so large inside of her only excited the retainer. Her lips curled into a bright smile as she let the first kiss she shared with her fellow retainer trail into a second and then into a third, carefully moving herself so that her nipples would grind against Kagero’s. “That’s it, dear… Give in to the pleasure. Let it consume you. Let it engulf you just like it did with our dear Queen. And allow me to savor it right along with you.~”

Of course, after having almost an hour to recover, Mikoto was able to watch from the side as her cunt ached in the most blissful of ways. She watched as her two retainers made out like they were long time lovers, both of them refusing to pull away from the other’s lips as their breasts squished and moved together. It was a treat for her to be able to watch this lord that was just fucking her earlier slamming himself as deep into Kagero as he was able. Especially when she could imagine just how deep he was reaching into her usually stoic retainer. “Atta girl.”

It took no time at all for Kagero’s mind to be clouded and lost to the pleasure that rushed through her. Hot, heavy, blissful, and excited moans stumbled from her lips and against Orochi’s as they shared one kiss after another. Her inner walls spasmed and quivered around the cock buried inside of her, plunging in and out of her cunt over and over again with a powerful intensity. Deep down, Kagero didn’t know if she would be able to handle this for much longer, the pleasure that coursed through her pushing her closer and closer to an orgasm much faster than she had expected it to.

However, she didn’t exactly get a say in whether or not she was going to cum around the dick that plunged into her womb. Without any warning and without missing a beat in his thrusts, the foreign lord slammed himself as deep into Kagero’s pussy as he was able to before unloading inside of her. Rope after thick, hot rope of cum flooded into her womb and painted her inner walls a thick shade of white as she was creampied right then and there. And the sudden blast of heat, the knowledge that she was likely going to get pregnant from being filled to the brim like this, and the twisted excitement that came from making out with Orochi the entire time this lord was cumming inside of her caused Kagero to reach the peak of her pleasure as well.

Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around the shaft inside of her, causing him to let out a few more ropes of cum into her womb. Her breath hitched against Orochi’s lips as the cum finally stopped flowing inside of her. And for a moment, just long enough for her to realize that the lord was pulling himself out of her pussy, Kagero felt a sense of disappointment and craving, hoping that he would keep fucking her in this position.

However, when her feet met the ground and she was met with the feeling of his lips crashing against her own while one of his hands drifted between her legs, Kagero found herself satisfied once again. Especially when she felt Orochi joining in and groping her as well, her sweet and soft lips wrapping around one of Kagero’s breasts while one hand made its way between Kagero’s ass cheeks and the other plunged a single finger into her freshly-filled cunt.



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