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After having dealt with Shido thanks to the help Maruki and Kasumi gave to Joker along the way, Makoto, Ann, Futaba, and Haru all got together to take Morgana shopping. It only felt right to do since he would always talk about wanting to spend time with all of them if he was able. So, now that he was able to, they thought it was perfect. Fortunately, the shopping was rather quick and now all of the girls were sitting in one of Leblanc’s booths while the boys were out shopping for ingredients for dinner that night.

Unfortunately, Morgana seemed to be taking a bit too long to get changed and let them know he was done. So, Ann decided it would be best to go up and check on him, just to see if he was okay and if he was actually getting dressed in the clothes she picked out for him. Much to her surprise, as she stepped upstairs and into Joker’s room, she could see Morgana fitting himself into one of the skirts the girls picked out for him. A black mini skirt that barely reached down to his thighs. And for a top, Morgana was wearing a crop top that Makoto had picked out that seemed to cling to his chest far more than anything else he wore.

“I look so ridiculous. Why do I have to look feminine? It’s no wonder they picked out stuff like this and didn’t let the others come along…”

“Oh my god, Morgana… You look so cute! I didn’t know if you’d be able to pull off feminine clothes, but I was certainly wrong.~” Ann excitedly licked her lips as she made her way over toward Morgana.


It only took a few minutes for Ann to get Morgana undressed and in only a pair of panties, but those few minutes were all she needed in order to get excited enough to take advantage of her dear friend. Once those few minutes were over, Morgana was on his knees with her cock buried deep into his throat with her hands on the back of his head. She didn’t bother to tell any of the other girls downstairs about this, assuming they might be able to hear Morgana’s gagging through the floor.

However, that didn’t matter to Ann as she picked up the pace of her thrusts, slamming herself deep into Morgana’s throat and moaning all the while. Her grip on the back of his head remained tight as he swirled his tongue around her shaft without her having to tell him to do so. “Atta girl… You’re doing good.~” Playfully licking her lips, Ann looked down at Morgana and chuckled to herself at the realization that she called him a girl. “Well, calling you a girl isn’t too far off from the truth right now. A pair of panties, a dick in your mouth, and a look on your face that says you want more? You’re as much of a girl as any one of Kaneshiro’s whores.”

Of course, Morgana couldn’t answer Ann with his mouth and his throat full like it was. He couldn’t do anything but sit back and take whatever she had to offer him. Though, with just how roughly she was forcing herself on him, it only felt appropriate to be in the position that he was in. Not only was it his dear Lady Ann using and abusing his throat, but she lovingly caressed his head as she called him a good girl. It was a strange feeling, but Morgana couldn’t deny the pleasure that filled him in this moment. He couldn’t hide the fact that his cock was straining against the pink panties the girls had picked out for him. And he couldn’t hide the lustful look in his eyes as he stared into Ann’s eyes.

“Maybe we should get you some makeup. Make you a properly pretty girl for me to use.~” Ann giggled to herself as she picked up the pace of her thrusts, slamming into his throat as quickly as she could manage. The feeling of his throat spasming and clamping down around his shaft was unlike anything she had felt in the past. She hadn’t fucked any of her friends before now, but to make use of Morgana right here and now while the others were just downstairs? It filled her with a sense of glee and excitement that was unrivaled from anything else she had done in her life. Especially when she felt him reach his hands behind her and firmly grab onto her plump rear end, keeping her from pulling too far back from his mouth. “Good girl. You don’t want me to pull out, do you? You want it all inside of you, right?~”

Morgana could only moan and groan around the dick that filled his mouth. He was starting to love the taste that covered his tongue and the feeling of her throbbing against the lining of his neck. Something about the way she seemed to care for him while abusing him like this lit him up inside. Maybe it was the fact that Ann was being completely genuine when she called him a good girl. Maybe it was because of the fact that Ann’s cock tasted surprisingly delicious. Or maybe it was simply the fact that it was Ann doing this compared to Futaba or Haru or Joker. It was the girl he had a crush on since he first saw her.

Whatever the reason was, as Ann got closer and closer to her orgasm, Morgana kept his tongue firmly wrapped around her shaft. He made sure to bring her as much pleasure as he possibly could right now. And it seemed to be worked as Ann’s moans began to grow louder and louder as her cock throbbed and pulsed against his tongue, clearly ready to erupt and fill his throat.

Unfortunately for Morgana, Ann pulled herself back far enough to pop her cock from between his lips. But before she reached her peak, she slapped her throbbing member against his face and stroked herself off while making sure all he could see was her cock. “We’re far from done, Morgana. Don’t think one load is going to be enough to get you out of this.” A sharp, blissful, and excited sound rumbled in her throat the moment she reached her peak, causing Ann to lean her head back and take a step back while keeping her dick pointed directly at Morgana’s face.

Without any hesitation, Ann erupted right then and there. Rope after rope of her hot, thick cum splattered against Morgana’s face. Fortunately, he was able to open his mouth and take a few strands of her cum onto his tongue, allowing him to swallow it down just as her seed finally stopped flowing. But before he could say anything, Morgana was stopped by the feeling of Ann’s shaft pressing against his lips.

“Thanks for that, Morgana. I really needed a cute face to fuck today. And after seeing you in that skirt? You were perfect.~” Ann licked her lips in excitement as she forced her way back into his throat, giving him another taste of her seed after she came and keeping herself hard as she decided what to do next with him. After a moment of casually rocking her hips back and forth, Ann let out a quiet but excited gasp, knowing exactly what to do with Morgana from here. “You’re going to love this, Morgana. I promise.”


It took a little bit of time for Ann to get Morgana to do exactly what she wanted him to, but when he finally gave in and listened to her, she was incredibly happy to pull him into her lap while she sat on the edge of Joker’s bed. The feeling of Morgana’s tight, and possibly unused, asshole engulfing her shaft as she lowered him into her lap was an incredible feeling. A feeling that she knew only cute and feminine boys like Morgana could bring her. A feeling that caused her cock to throb inside of his asshole as she reached a hand around his body.

Neither one of them said a word as she began to stroke Morgana’s cock with one hand while guiding his hips up and down her length with the other hand. All while she leaned in close enough to steal kiss after kiss from his lips. Slowly but surely, Ann was guiding Morgana into exactly what she wanted him to be. She was pushing him more and more into being her dear pet while she shared kiss after kiss with him, dominating the affection each time their lips met. All while she thrust upward into him and caused him to bounce down onto her shaft.

The moans that left their lips and filled the room around them grew louder and louder by the moment as the two got lost in their lust for the other one. Right up until the moment that Ann pulled away from Morgana’s lips and looked him in the eyes. “Cute boys like you are the best! You’re so close to being adorable and sexy girls that I just can’t help myself!~” She playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she picked up the pace that she stroked his shaft, wanting to bring him as much pleasure as she could while keeping him from cumming right away.

Morgana didn’t know how to react to hearing his dear Lady Ann of all people say something like that. For her to think that cute boys were perfect? It was something that he didn’t expect. But it made sense why she convinced all the girls to make him go shopping to buy feminine clothing for him. It was to take advantage of the moment and turn him into her pet. But instead of being upset, Morgana actually found himself tightening up around her shaft as he began to bounce at the pace that she had set for him.



Glorious 👏👏👏