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//Apologies for being late this week. I forgot to schedule a story to publish this week. Hope you enjoy this Yelan piece I did to help me through a block//

Being sent to gather information on a potentially corrupt businessman, things proceeded in a familiar way for Yelan.

When Ningguang had sent Yelan to investigate a businessman that she suspected of fraud in multiple ways, she didn’t expect things to go the way they had. If anything, it would be a quick visit to his home, a conversation and then she’d be out of there. As long as it wasn’t obvious that she was here to investigate, then everything would be fine and Yanfei’s lawsuit wouldn’t be impacted. Unfortunately, the businessman had his way of weaving his won truth, and that made things far harder than they needed to be.

Thankfully, Yelan was able to see through them all, understanding just what was the truth behind what he said and what was clearly a lie. Whether it was his business practice, his personal life, or even the way he composed himself in front of her. With a few quick glances and some key listening, she was able to pick apart everything that he was saying. At least, that’s what she thought right up until the point that she ended up in this man’s room and on the side of his bed, with him and his brother standing on either side of her.

When she realized that his brother was here as well, something immediately clicked in her senses. This wasn’t a situation that she was going to easily be able to get out of. Not cleanly anyway. So when the two men started to chuckle and mock her for falling into their trap, Yelan did her best to keep herself composed. She did her best to keep herself quiet and keep her attention on both of them. Unfortunately, that lead to her simply sitting back and watching as both of them dropped their pants and slapped their cocks onto each of her shoulders.

It was at that moment she knew she had to speak up and try to talk her way out of here. Otherwise, Ningguang was going to need to give her a bonus for the trouble she was about to get into. Clearing her throat and reaching her arms across her body to the opposite shoulders, crossing her arms over her breasts, a gentle and almost oblivious smile came to Yelan’s lips. “Gentlemen, I think this talk has gone in a direction that I didn’t come here for. I am not here to have an affair with the two of you, as fun as having two brothers at the same time could be.”

“See? She gets it. I don’t know what Ningguang was thinking sending one of her own, though.”

“Yeah, that wasn’t a smart move on her part, thinking that she’d be able to get one of her workers back without some tweaking going on.”

Yelan’s heart throbbed in her chest when she heard both of the men starting to laugh once again. She also felt a headache starting to form in the back of her head, their incessant laughing making her wanty to simply tear their cocks off right here and now. But in order to do her job right, she needed to make her way out of here and make it clear that she wasn’t here on Ningguang’s orders.

A heavy sigh left her lips before she started to speak once again. “I’m sorry, boys. I don’t know why you think I’m here for Ningguang. I may be her employee, but I have my own agenda. I just… Didn’t have dick on the menu for my lunch outing today.” Turning her head to the side to look the businessman in the eye, the gentle teal hue in Yelan’s eyes glowed for a moment. “But if you’re offering so generously like this, I don’t think you leave me with an option to turn down such a delicious meal.”

“Glad you see things our way. But now that you want the ‘meal’ we’ve prepared for you, go ahead and dig in.”

A sharp gasp left Yelan’s lips when both of the men reached for the collar of her outfit, tearing it and allowing her leotard top to fall into her lap, exposing her supple breasts to both of them. And before she could get a word out of her mouth, wanting to ask if they were simply brute with their women, an answer was given to her in the form of the businessman shoving the first half of his shaft past her lips and into her mouth. His bother, on the other hand, pushed his hips forward and tangled his cock in her dark blue locks, essentially grabbing onto the back of her head as he stroked himself using her hair.

In the heat of the moment, it was a surprise to Yelan that neither of the men felt it necessary to reach for her breasts. That neither of them bothered to touch her body as they violated her mouth and her hair. But she didn’t struggle against them for that to happen. She was more than content with just letting the men cum in her mouth and her hair if it mean that she could get out of here. And fortunately for her, the businessman that was fucking her mouth seemed to love the way her tongue danced around his member.

Or maybe it was the way her purple-stained lips seemed to stain his shaft as he rocked himself back and forth. Or possibly, it was the fact that she didn’t struggle against his aggressive approach and instead just sucked him off without saying a word against him. Whatever the reason was, Yelan was happy to know that both of the men were enjoying themselves, feeling them both throb against her tongue and the back of her head. Though, it still rung a bit strange in her mind to have one of them using her hair to masturbate.

Of course, Yelan didn’t let that stop her from letting these men enjoy themselves. She coiled her tongue around the businessman’s shaft as he continued to fuck her mouth, letting him take full and utter control of the moment. All while she wrapped her arms around each of their waists, making sure they couldn’t pull themselves too far back. If they were going to enjoy her body, she was going to make sure they came where they wanted.

However, that came back to bite Yelan a bit. It didn’t take more than a moment of her showing that she was interested in doing this with these two men for them to blow their loads. Almost as soon as she held them where she could, both of them reached their peak. And with each throb and pulse of their shafts, she felt them unload a rope of cum both into her and onto her.

Spurt after spurt covered her tongue as strand after strand began to stain her dark blue hair, mixing into her locks and making them almost look white. And she didn’t do a single thing to stop them from doing this. Yelan did as she knew both of these men wanted and sucked down every drop while attempting to coax a bit more out of them, squeezing their hips and bringing her hands to their balls in order to try and squeeze a bit more from them. And it seemed to work in her favor, both of the brothers gasping and letting out another few ropes after they had just finished cumming.

So when both of them pulled away from her, a devious smile came to her still purple lips. And a thin strand of cum seemed to connect them to the dick that was just in her mouth. Right up until she dragged her tongue along her lips and broke it. “Since you two have gone through the trouble of staining my make-up and my hair, I think it’s only fair you go one more round. Don’t you?”

Her teal eyes darted between the two of them as they looked back and forth between each other, watching as they nodded in silence to her request. “Good. Then, do me a favor…” Without missing a beat, Yelan rose from the edge of the bed and raised both of her arms into the air. “... And strip me of this bodysuit. If you want to appreciate my body more and try to… ‘teach Ningguang a lesson’, I think is what you were going for… Then you’ll need to actually make me feel something. And I wish you the best of luck in making that happen.~”

She watched as both of the brothers took a moment to share another look with each other as if silently asking if they should follow her lead or try and take charge themselves. And without saying a word to Yelan, they did as she wanted, peeling her out of the bodysuit lower half of her outfit. However, they left her in the heels that she was wearing. Something that caused Yelan to chuckle under her breath before she leaned herself back and fell flat onto the bed.

The moment that she landed on the bed, she rolled herself over so that her breasts was pressed against the sheets and her plump and shapely rear end was visible to both of the men. “I’m not partial to which holes you two try to claim. But you better not disappoint or Ningguang will be the last of your concerns.~” There was a hint of poison and a vague sense of death in her voice as she spoke, clearly threatening the men behind her words and making it clear she would follow up on it.

When things were quiet for a moment, she was worried that she scared the two of them off. Fortunately, after that moment of silence and stillness that filled the room, both of the brothers moved onto either side of her body. Yelan was greeted with the feeling of their hands dragging along her body, groping and squeezing certain parts of her as they got into position. The businessman that she was here to see found his way between her legs, slapping his cock down against her supple ass cheek, causing it to faintly jiggle from the impact.

And with him behind her, it made sense to Yelan for the brother to be the one that sat in front of her, his cock hovering just inches above her head and her soft lips. Her teal eyes glowed for a moment once again as she looked up at the throbbing and twitching member. Just in time for it the two men to start actually preparing to fuck her.

Before she knew it, Yelan felt both of them press their dicks against her pussy and her mouth. And knowing what was going to happen from here, she arched her back to allow the businessman better access to her pussy, parting her lips and sticking her tongue out of her mouth to tease his brother. And without anyone saying a word, all three of them were on the same page about what to do.

Both of the brothers drove their hips forward in the same moment, stuffing Yelan’s cunt and her throat at the same time. And in the heat of the moment, feeling both of the men’s hung shafts plunge into her, she was unable to stop herself from moaning around the cock that forced its way into her mouth. Her lips formed a perfect seal around it as he started to rock his hips, rubbing his member against her tongue. All while the man she was actually here to see and investigate fucked her from behind.

Both of them grabbed firmly onto her body as they began to fuck her. The businessman holding possessively onto her hips as he plowed himself into her time and time again. His fingers sank into the soft skin of her childbearing hips as he steadily picked up the pace of his thrusts. In the meantime, his brother held firmly onto her head, his fingers even managing to tangle themselves into the portion of her hair that was filled with his cum.

Of course, having two men take her at the same time like this, Yelan couldn’t help but enjoy herself. She couldn’t help but moan and pant around the dick that forced its way into her throat with every thrust. She couldn’t stop herself from gagging around it and tightening up around the dick that filled her pussy. Yelan was unable to stop herself from practically screaming in pure bliss as the two of them ravaged her like this.

The pace that they had set didn’t sync up and it sent her body into a flurry of pleasure, bliss, and pain once they began actually fucking her like they meant it. The room around her began to spin as the two men hammered away at her body like she was some kind of common Liyue street whore. Maybe it was the fact that she almost looked like she dressed like one. Maybe it was the fact that she was not only taking both of them like a whore would be able to. Or maybe it was simply the fact that they were enthralled with her for one reason or another.

Whatever the reason for them thrusting into her and fucking her as she brought them the best pleasure they had ever felt, Yelan was here for it. She didn’t shy away from the bliss that the two men brought her. Even when the brother would occasionally slip out of her mouth, grinding himself against her cheek for a moment, Yelan instantly began to drag her tongue along his member and his balls, gasping and moaning with each thrust that filled her cunt.

With all three of them lost in the moment, no one knew just how long they were at it. No one cared either. The three of them only cared about the pleasure that washed over them in the moment. Though, unfortunately, something ached in the back of Yelan’s mind, reminding her that she was here for a reason and to not just get fucked by these two men. Fortunately, that thought didn’t allow her to stop enjoying herself. Her inner walls clamped down around the businessman she was investigating, a smile coming to her lips as they wrapped back around the dick that found its way onto her tongue once again.

The teal color in her eyes shined once again as she coiled her tongue around the dick in her mouth, relishing in the way it felt for him to reach the back of her throat and make her gag with almost every thrust he filled her with. And almost as if on queue, it seemed that he reached his peak. His grip on her head tightened and he blew his load in her mouth.

Rope after rope of his thick and heated spunk flooded her mouth and pumped into her throat. Of course, Yelan was able to swallow each and every drop that was given to her, taking it in stride and enjoying the taste of his seed. Even when she felt the man fucking her pussy start to become erratic with his thrusts, her focus remained on the delectable seed that coated her tongue. Right up until the moment that the businessman unloaded inside of her.

Feeling each throb against her inner walls, knowing that he was coming inside of her, Yelan couldn’t stop herself from cumming right alongside him. When his brother pulled out of her mouth, she quickly bit down on her lower lip to keep herself quiet, simply basking in the feeling of being creampied by a stranger once again. And when the cum finally stopped flowing, she rolled herself over so that she was on her back.

Her eyes shimmered as the gazed into the businessman’s eyes. It was clear that he was currently enamored with her and that lit a spark inside of her. The three of them had already fucked, what would be the issue if she took things a little bit further? It could help with the investigation as well.

Playfully dragging her tongue along her lips, Yelan rose to her knees and rested her cheek against the businessman’s stomach. She teasingly pressed her breasts directly against his still-rigid member. “You know… I don’t need to leave just yet. And you don’t need to go anywhere, do you?~” Her heart skipped a beat in her chest when she watched the man shake his head, letting her know that she could stay here with him for as long as she wanted. “Good good… Then let’s keep the fun going.~”


Yelan wasn’t sure just what time it was when she stepped out of the businessman’s room, looking around his home for a clock of some kind. She knew that it was late into the evening, if not already past midnight, but she had no way to know for sure. Fortunately, something told her that the exact time wouldn’t matter. Not when she turned around to see both of the brothers passed out around the bed she was just fucked on.

A giggle rumbled in her throat when she noticed the sheer amount of cum that stained the sheets and their crotches. “I really let loose, didn’t I? I suppose it won’t be a problem. It’s not like they’ll remember this, after all.” Her purple-stained lips curled into a smile as she threw her coat over her shoulders, adjusting her outfit one last time to make sure nothing stood out that made it obvious she had multiple loads of cum from two men in her womb and even more in her stomach.

Her heart skipped a beat once again as she thought back to what she did. “It’s no wonder why Ningguang never wants me in the office. I reek of sex whenever I leave an investigation.” Yelan chuckled to herself as she stepped out of the man’s home, her eyes shimmering once again the moment she got in the moonlight. “I’ll report in all the same.”


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