Quick Update (Patreon)
To keep things simple, there's good news and there's bad news.
Good news is, while slow, writing is steady. Things are progressing.
Bad news is my car is in some pretty rough shape and time is about to be short for the next month. (That's about it for the basic update)
Starting off for more detail: My family and I move back into our old home the week of the 16th. Our expected moving day is the 21st, but there's no telling with how things seem to be progressing so slow with the construction company. That week, however, I'll more than likely be wholly unavailable from the move and just getting things in order. Everything seems to be going smooth right now, so I'm not expecting too many hiccups in the coming few weeks, but there's no telling with just how much needs to be worked on.
Taking attention back to my car, I'm more than likely going to need to replace the battery and probably all 4 of my tires if I'm unlucky enough with how bad it is. I know one is flat and that the battery is dead. But with it having sat there for so long, there's no telling right now. But to be blunt, I can't currently afford to replace everything if the battery and all 4 tires need to be replaced.
If you see reason to pledge to one of the higher tiers and comfortably can, I hate to ask but I'd appreciate it if you could.
Which leads me perfectly into writing and production speed. I have, unfortunately, just gotten comfortable writing in this current home and figured out what's best for me to do so here. It shouldn't be nearly as bad to get back in the groove at the original home because that's my own environment and I'm already comfortable there. Just a little adjusting. I expect that, come November when the move is settled and finished, I should be back in full gear for writing.
I don't think I'll be doing the themed months again until 2023. I realize how much of a strain that put on my time with the Ryza stories. And while I think the stories turned out great, it's probably better to not force it when I'm uncertain. I'll still do weekly stories and posts all the same, but it will go back to being either commissions posted or passion projects I did that month.
And when 2023 rolls around, I'm planning to put a majority of my attention into Patreon. So, very few outside commissions, no real plans to post and market outward, anything like that. I'll have to be patient and see how it goes before I make the call for sure. But the plan is for Patreon to be my main focus and platform.
I can't really think of anything else to add in with how hectic the last few months have felt and with how hectic I'm expecting this last section of the year to be. There's no much to think of, only things I can try and do and keep up with while, hopefully, bringing everyone who supports quality content.
Thank you for reading and, as I've been unfortunately saying for the last few years, thank you for being patient with me.