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After giving birth to their child, Kazui, Orihime couldn’t deny that her marriage with Ichigo became far more hectic than it needed to be. Between their child being a natural soul reaper at such a young age, taking over the Kurosaki Clinic, and making sure that Yuzu and Karin were taken care of, there was a lot on her plate. Fortunately, she could handle everything in stride, having Ichigo right there by her side for most of the time. But, of course, she knew that he had to do his duty as a soul reaper and patrol the town every now and again. Or possibly just leave her in the middle of their shopping trip to handle a hollow that appeared on the other end of the city.

At first, she wanted to complain that they could simply allow Uryu or Sado to handle the hollows that appeared. But when she was reminded that the two actually had day jobs and couldn’t just up and walk away from them to handle a hollow, those complaints stopped. Thankfully, the times when Ichigo would leave abruptly never took long. Ten, twenty minutes at most to get across the town and handle the hollow before making it back. But it still made her feel like he wasn’t always there.

However, those times when Ichigo was actually away on patrol, she may not see him for a full day or two. And it was during those days that Orihime truly felt like things were at their worst, despite knowing just how deeply she and Ichigo loved each other. It also happened that, during those times, Orihime would notice more men looking at her through the town than usual, whether she had Kazui with her or not.

Maybe it was the fact that she didn’t have her husband with her. Maybe it was because she wore her emotions on her sleeve and clearly looked like she was lonely when Ichigo wasn’t around. Or maybe these men were just the kind that would try and chase her whether Ichigo was with her or not. Whatever the case was, Orihime noticed their eyes more and more whenever her husband wasn’t with her. And there were even a few times that some of them approached her, asking if she was single or free.

Most of the time, she would blush and wave them off, telling her that she was just out and about for her husband. Or she would take a step to the side while holding Kazui’s hand and show them that she was a mother. That usually would get them away from her. But those that were even more determined and wouldn’t give up just from that? She had no way to get them to back off. And as they pressed more and more, she felt herself slowly hoping that they wouldn’t give up on chasing her.

Unfortunately, it took a while before anyone in town had the courage after seeing Kazui attached to her to actually make a move. But the moment that he did, grabbing her ass while she held her child’s hand as they walked through the market? Something seemed to flip inside of Orihime. She didn’t know just what it was, but she couldn’t fight against it.

At first, it was simply this man, this stranger, having his hand on her supple rear end through the shorts that she was wearing. The two of them walked in silence as Kazui stayed at her side, minding his own business and possibly even not noticing. But when Kazui opened his mouth about having to go to the bathroom, Orihime felt her heart skip a beat. And she also felt this man’s grip on her ass cheek tighten.

She knew right then and there that he was either going to have his way with her or he was going to leave her be with her child. She didn’t know which it would be, but she was excited for either option. And when the three of them made it to the bathroom, guiding Kazui in before letting him close and lock the door behind him, Orihime got the answer she wanted. The hand that grabbed a firm hold of her ass immediately began to peel her shorts off of her body, pulling them down to her thighs before giving her ass a quick smack.

Of course, feeling him smack her ass like he did, Orihime couldn’t stop herself from letting out a quiet but excited moan. A moan that this man quickly stifled by covering her mouth with his other hand. It was only for a moment, but the fact that he was going to try and keep her quiet sparked a twisted sense of excitement in Orihime. Especially when the hand that covered her mouth trailed along her jawline to her neck, clasping around it with a light grip.

Her heart immediately began to race in her chest as the hand that was on her ass slipped into her panties and started to tease her pussy from behind. Almost right away, hot and heavy breaths left Orihime’s lips as he teased her right in front of the bathroom. And as the pleasure and excitement that she felt from having a stranger toy with her like this grew inside of her, she hoped that Kazui would take all the time in the world before stepping out of the bathroom.

Those hot and heavy breaths that left Orihime stopped the moment this man pressed her against the bathroom door, moving his hand from her neck to her hair. When he tugged on it, she couldn’t stop herself from letting out a lustful and excited moan. Only to be silenced by the feeling of him catching her lips in a heated and possessive kiss. Almost as if he was trying to make it clear that she was his property right now. A thought that Orihime, surprisingly, didn’t hate.

The two of them trailed from one kiss to a second, starting to happily make out right there in front of the market’s bathroom as Kazui handled his business. And after a moment, Orihime felt a burst of anxiety rush through her when something hot and hard pressed against her rear end. It took her lust-addled mind a moment to realize that it was this man’s cock, meaning he was getting ready to fuck her against the bathroom door. And for an instant, she debated on if she should let him, worried about if Kazui would catch her.

Fortunately, something clicked in her mind and prompted Orihime to turn around and warp her hand around his shaft. Unfortunately, she was unable to find the words to tell him that they shouldn’t do this here right now. That, if he was going to fuck her, she didn’t want to risk her child walking out of the bathroom and seeing them. But it seemed this man understood simply from the look in her eyes. Because there was no hesitation or annoyance as he used his grip on her hair to force her down to her knees, using both of his hands to grab onto either side of her head.

Before she knew it, Orihime found herself with her head leaned back, his thumbs tugging on the corners of her mouth, and her eyes focused on the hard cock that was going to spear into her pussy before she stopped him. And she didn’t bother trying to stop him as he moved his hips forward, pushing inch after inch of his shaft past her soft lips and onto her tongue. The taste that coated her tongue was one that she immediately fell in love with. Strong, potent, and tart, it had a better flavor than Ichigo’s cock.

Though, the flavor was the last thing that was on her mind as he began to thrust his hips and fuck her face like this. The feeling of his dick spearing into the back of her throat and feeling like it was going to break into her stomach was enough to make her forget about the flavor. But when combined with the knowledge that she was on her knees in the middle of a hallway, her shorts around her thighs, one hand between her legs, and a stranger holding onto her face as he fucks her throat, the excitement that filled Orihime took everything off of her mind.

It didn’t matter to her right now just who could see her. It didn’t matter to her if Ichigo happened to find them right here and now. And it didn’t matter to her if Kazui made his way out of the bathroom to see her like this. The only thing that mattered to Orihime at this moment was the bliss of having someone finally take her in the open, and the pleasure that came from him ravaging her throat like this.


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