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Okay, I get the hype, I can already tell this is going to be one hell of a show!

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/10wsKR9xJ7jyAUI5QUTFwXY8y3csak9rW/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8dzlilbm270ec8329rtqp/FT-S1E1.mp4?rlkey=mijpotuhy64zgydse9al0ugqn&st=ont0ix3z&dl=0

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cant wait to sit with a cup of tea and watch your reaction! cant wait for the rest of them so i can rewatch the show with you! tissues are advised for upcoming episodes 🫡


just started the reaction and heres some answers for you: 1) this show was adapted from a novel of the same name by thomas mallen 2) when it comes to pronouncing bomer i’ve seen either bomb-er or bow-mer depending on individual accents🤣 3) to sum it up quite briefly, it was believed at the time that queer people were more susceptible to coercion by the communists as they could be “blackmailed” as such with their queerness and being outed so they would divulge confidential information about american politics in order for that to remain a secret - this is why mccarthy and co were eager to have them removed from government so they couldnt do this

Audrey Gunn

Can’t wait to watch this again 🥰

Joe Lancaster

So glad you're watching this show. Looking forward to watching it again with you.

Michael D

Main things to remember is during this time, any reference to "reds" is talking about the Soviets /communist supporters. The division of reds vs blues for American Republicans vs Democrats isn't a thing yet. Plus if you want any extra history, this time period of going after suspected homosexuals in gov positions was called the Lavender scare

Harry Allen

Ooooo thank you for the reds clarification though cause that would have thrown me through a loop. Ima do a lil research before next ep cause I don't wanna be completely clueless

Harry Allen

Ooo thank you for all the info!! Plus omg, sorry to Matt Bomer for getting his name wrong my whole life 😭


I have a lot of links and recommendations on the history of this time period that I’m happy to share with you if you’re interested in learning more about it. It’s a thoroughly misunderstood time in history because queer aspect has almost been entirely forgotten, or at least intentionally unspoken about in books. It’s certainly not taught in American schools during history lessons, which is a huge huge problem. The fact that most Americans don’t even know about the term Lavender Scare from their own history is horrifying and shameful and we need to do better. I’m so glad a show like this is able to exist now to help bring this kind of representation forward. There are books out there about this time if you’re looking to do a really deep dive. I would recommend Secret City by James Kirchick and The Deviant’s War by Eric Cervini. Also, if you aren’t familiar with Tony Kushner’d brilliant play Angels in America, I would HIGHLY recommend reading it as well. Some of the people discussed in the play are very relevant to the show (and it’s also an absolutely breathtaking piece of queer literature). For quicker recaps, you can check out some stuff online, though you might want to pace yourself based on the episodes in the show. The show covers a LOT of queer history from the 50s through the 80s, so depending on how you feel about spoilers you may want to wait or just read everything in advance. Your choice. https://time.com/5922679/lavender-scare-history/ https://archivesfoundation.org/newsletter/the-lavender-scare/ https://www.thelavenderscare.com/ I can share others as the episodes go on :)


I’ve always heard his name as Bow-mer (as in bow-and-arrow) but perhaps I’m mistaken? 🤷🏻‍♀️


yeah i’ve heard both so i think it must depend on accents etc for the pronunciation!