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Okay so Bonnie is safe but my god, how the fuck is this gonna work with her wanting to kill everyone 😭

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dLcMgiA9hZgEH0UAvTg3XKa0MM2QH0SS/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zgocxvtocxtkblf0q5va7/TVD-S7E20.mp4?rlkey=0ahafl7urm4eq7kxua7hisjrt&st=bsl58llr&dl=0

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Here we go, once again Damon save the day by pulling the classic Damon move. When Damon loves someone is love is committed to that person 100%, He oesn't care to be hated , he just want te people he loves to be safe and alive. He loves them more that he loves himself. In this case with Bonnie he did what others wouldn't do for fear to be hated, he does the dirty work tat is neccessary to do and nobody want to do an get blame and hatred for it but he save his loved one life, overe and over again , countless times, usually sparing Stewfan' reputations, and sparing him to be hated, but this time was Enzo. He saved Bonnie, spare Enzo to be hated and get the blame for it. It's Damons course, saving the day, and never get thanked for it, because nobody is thinking out of the box like he does, nobody is considering to deal with problems one at the time. Problem number one, saving Bonnie, if that means open the volt so be it, you save Bonnie first and then you deal with whatever the consequences of opening the volt means, as they did, by sealing the Armery. Problem number three make Bonnie not to kill everybody.....we will see... The point is that at the end of the day, Damon's commitement to do whatever it takes to save everybody no matter the hate he get in return, it's preciselley wy Elena chose him, why Bonnie became friend with him, why Liz apprecciated him, and Alaric too. So an the end of the day, he is proving to be a good person. The writers are flipping crumbs by crumbs, the original season one narrative bad brother /good brother, proving episode after episode that Damon has great depth and goodness. I like how you are invested in Enzo and Bonnie's relationship, and that has a purpose too, that you will discover later.

Maribel Humble

Yes, Bonnie and Enzo radiate serenity and devotion to and for each other. They captivated the hearts of many. Beautiful couple.