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GREAT end to a fantastic season, my only worry now is how long they're gonna be gone 😭 don't want our littlest wolf to be without her dad

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aCDcW47F5pqiwHiyq72IwjKXuoKZ9fJS/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bv3lin1c6qajsqizmb5bd/TO-S3E22.mp4?rlkey=pe8vf6wqejs021xgu0ptqw7vy&st=f4o43iwz&dl=0

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Unrelated, but before I start watching the reaction itself: Your tower fan needs a name lol


It was such a strange feeling not feeling bad for the Mikaelsons this episode, and that’s credit to the writers for adequately building up this conflict between them and Marcel. I think the only person I felt bad for was Klaus because he wasn’t really involved in killing Davina or Marcel and yet he’s bearing the brunt of Marcel’s revenge.


I think it was interesting that despite all his anger, Marcel still had this look of uncertainty staring down at Klaus’s immobile body. Getting revenge didn’t bring Davina back nor did it ease his grief. And now he’s looking down at the man who was once his father…and he’s completely alone.

Sade L.

Yusuf aka Vincent is one of the low key best parts of this show..I love how enamored everyone always is as soon as he is introduced and remain so throughout the season. His acting is just too good. His speech was my favorite part of this episode followed by Klaus and Rebekah’s ingenious plan to keep him alive


That speech Klaus gives is sooo amazing, I always get chills. Joseph has so much gravitas, its insane. I know it's frustrating because you think... here he goes again, being an arrogant prick, etc. But in reality, this time, he is doing it to piss them off more to the point where they want him to suffer more than death. So when you said, that would only piss me off more, I chuckled cause - that's the point, LOL. Fantastic reaction to a fantastic season!

Orla Davies

I second this so much. When he speaks, everyone listens, and that is a difficult skill to have.

John Walker Is That Dude

nope Vincent along with davina are the two dumbest wicthes to ever exist that clown came in all sarcastic saying ur just like the Mikaelsons my response to his stupid points will always be ARE U SERIOUS. I guess that moron forgot he was the one to hate Marcel for killing innocent witches in season two and this season hes reminded marcel of said facts so for him saying i gave u the serum to be better omg at what point did marcel show him hes better the dude is an overt bigot to anybody who isnt a vampire he cursed the wolves, he along with davina murdered innocent witches and hes enslaved/subjugated innocent witches. If vincent took the regency in the first place selfish davina would still be alive cuz she wouldnt have sent hayley on a kill mission to murder 11 more innocent wicthes. instead of taking ownership over his mistakes he wants to blame other peopledavina was warned hurt or murder another witch and its up for u the reason she is dead is cuz of her's, marcel, vincent, and kol's actions