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We know how much I love a flashback episode, safe to say this is a current favourite of the season!

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fneh8-pz4BzDTG-cONx9RDuIyfWljw5t/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/euy2xvcyonez95u76z9k6/TVD-S8E4.mp4?rlkey=uxlwnfb7f4t44186ik8ci26ix&st=fr9c230a&dl=0

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Maribel Humble

The man that Cade told not to have those impure thoughts toward the young girl is a pedophile. Don't worry, Harry; how Cade created the hell dimension will be explained.


This is Newmoon comment: <@778569573279465484> <@957897339106897931> These are my comments for this Episode, would you post it for me over at Harry’s? “Between Sybil’s explanation about why Damon is helping her and with what’s we’ve have already seen as viewers about what Sybil has done to Damon, we have to read between the lines to understand the whole picture. “If Damon is still serving me is because deep down he wants to” The way Sybil explained this to Stefan is very vague, she made it look like that Damon is serving her out of his own free will, But what she failed to mention is that she literally rewrote even his “deep down” thought and changed them in her favour to make him believe everything she wanted him to believe because she didn’t interfere with his conscience thoughts, she actually messed with his subconscious and the things even Damon himself is not completely aware of. This is why Sybil’s control over Damon is hard to notice for the characters in the show and even for Damon himself because his conscience thoughts have been intact, it’s his subconscious that’s calling the shots and have been influenced by Sybil. This is the full story that the other characters in the show don’t know. Damon’s “deep down” meaning his (subconscious) has been altered by Sybil herself. Sybil tried to rewrite Damon’s subconscious and replaced Elena’s place and later Bonnie’s place in Damon’s mind with herself which means Damon now would do anything for her because in his subconscious he believes he’s doing it for them. Damon would’ve done anything for the love of his life and for his best friend , by taking the special place in his subconscious that Damon was reserving for them and putting herself instead of them, Sybil gave herself full control over his actions because she took away Damon’s reason to fight her mind control. He had no reason to fight any more because even his reason was telling him to keep obeying Sybil and to keep believing what Sybil wants him to believe as his own thoughts. Damon has no idea why he is doing all of that for her or why he even wants to help Sybil at all, he only knows that he has to serve her. “Sybil and I had a thing but it’s done, in theory I’m a free man but I still find my self doing everything she wants me to do” Damon himself is not aware of the Depth of the control that Sybil has over his mind and how much Sybil has influence his deepest and most private thoughts by interfering with his subconscious. Sybil also lied to Stefan about the reason Damon turned off his humanity to inflict fear and terror on Stefan like “Damon is afraid of hell, why aren’t you afraid of hell like he is?” We as the viewers got the clarification of the real reason that Damon turned off his humanity in episode 1, he did it because he was trying to protect his loved ones from Sybil’s influence. He knew that Sybil could get inside his mind and see the people who he cares about so he decided to sacrifice his soul and turned off his humanity so Sybil couldn’t reach to his loved ones in his mind and they would’ve been kept safe. From what we’ve seen so far with Damon, him being scared of hell so much that he turned off his humanity for it and chose to serve Sybil because he didn’t want to end up there. It doesn’t go align with his character at all, we have witnessed Damon’s fearless soul time and time again throughout the show when he had to go toe to toe with much stronger opponents than himself, he was never scared for himself, he was always worried for his loved ones, he would always put the wellbeing of his loved ones above his own so it makes perfect sense that he would turn off his humanity the moment he was informed about the existence of hell to protect his loved ones, he didn’t want them involved with Sirens and above all with hell itself. This was his way to keep them safe. This perfectly go align with his character, this is his protective and selfless nature showing itself.”


Newmoon comment n 2: “Sybil was lying to Stefan because she was trying to strip him of any kind of hope he has for redeeming himself and pushed him more to self hatred so the fear of hell would creep in his soul and he finally give up on himself. Once you finally lose your faith in redemption and can’t forgive yourself and reach to the belief that you deserve to be punished and go to hell, your soul would be so easy to grab by Cade. Cade might be called the devil but in reality he has a God complex, putting himself in a position of a god and the only person who can decide who should be punished based on his very black and white view on life. He believes Once you give in to your darkness, your soul is done and doesn’t matter what you do with the rest of your life, you deserve to be punished and he’s trying to push this belief onto every body else. The only reason hell was created was because Cade couldn’t forgive those people who has hurt him and he kept holding on to his resentment, unable to ever let that go. Cade and Hell are coming from the place of fear, the exact opposite of Love. Love doesn’t hold grudges and resentment, love is about unity, absolute acceptance, forgiveness and unconditional love. Darkness is not ugly and sinful but Darkness has its own unique beauty that compliments light, both light and darkness cannot exist without each other and they give each other meaning. Darkness is not harmful for the soul, it’s actually necessary for the soul growth, it’s the push behind the growth and even help the souls to reach to the true meaning of love. It’s not about absence of the darkness because that’s impossible, it’s about how you deal with your darkness and mistakes that could define the purity of your soul. Love is the truth and fear is an illusion and the more souls give in to the illusion and lose their hope in themselves, the easier for Cade to collect their souls in hell. But as long as you keep love and hope alive in your heart, Cade can not reach you. Damon:” but you should know, there’s no such a thing as redemption, all it takes is just one bad decision and then it doesn’t matter what you do with the rest of your life because once the devil comes calling, you’re done” This is how Damon was manipulated by Sybil to believe there was no hope for him and the only reason he was manipulated was because his humanity was off and he doesn’t have his love to help him fight against this belief. Sybil is doing the same here with Stefan making him believe his soul is doomed and there’s no going back for him. “Damon believes in hell and soon you will too, because you’re just as doomed as he is” “stop fighting, it’s easier that way” Sybil herself lost her faith in love and in that exact moment Cade showed up to her and stole her soul. “But God never answered but he did” Despair and Self hatred are poisonous for the soul and once you completely give in and lose your believe in yourself and your faith in love, your soul becomes an easy target for Cade to grab and take.”