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What a lovely send off for Tyler 😭 bloody annoying for the group tho, Sybil out and Damon truly lost, what the hell is gonna happen now

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O51ALEi-kTmcQ7f16wZn2_zWYN_nWM_E/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/89gl790plaxvsej0xfwkh/TVD-S8E5.mp4?rlkey=ty9znefjzaciwz8f0sqqgl26b&st=adqv3kte&dl=0

Google Drive Tip: It takes time for Google Drive to process videos. If it says "still processing" or is only allowing you to view at 360p, then you can always come back later or download the video in full

Dropbox Tip: The quality of the video is lower while streaming so I recommend downloading or using google drive if thats an issue


Andrea Dcosta

The Tyler send off was actually done so well, and much needed for all of them at this point. It's amazing to see Bonnie and Enzo together and Happy finally after ages they deserve every bit of it. Poor Damon being under Sybil's influence and even more so now I hate Sybil for that she's a fun character mostly funny at times lol but I hate her for screwing with Damon's memories and with him it's so wrong and heartbreaking to see

Kitty Underwood

Regarding if there are other Lockwoods, in season 1 when Caroline won Miss Mystic Falls, her escort was named Jeffrey Lockwood-Hamilton