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Post your questions for me to answer at the end of the episode!!

Let me know if you would NOT like your name included with the question during the episode!


WHAT IS QUESTION TIME?: Here you can ask me ANY questions related to the episode or show as a whole. I will read and answer them at the end of the episode so they will be included within the reaction itself! Because I only read them after finishing the episode, feel free to include any spoilers relating to episode, just no spoilers after this point!!!



Big one: Did Simon "cross the line" by being clearly sexually explicit with Daphne (ep 3)?

Leila Davis-Middleton

Just out of curiosity, do you have any plans to react to the Queen Charlotte spin-off when it comes to it? it came out in the three years break between season 2 and 3, so that would be a decent time to check it out when you get to that point as one or two things do get referenced in season 3. I do highy recommend as it gives a lot of background on why the Queen is the way she is now and we see a lot of certain characters from the present-day show as they were in the early days of Queen Charlotte's reign as queen consort.