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They deserved so much better 😔

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Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lwv49ks3w8rarx31yodh5/TVD-S8E11.mp4?rlkey=xua5npzqj45vly9jv5e7v2x0v&st=m74vrhsp&dl=0

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It’s pretty much fandom consensus that killing off Enzo was one of the worst writing decisions made in season 8. As if Bonnie hadn’t suffered enough. Kmt.


Everybody suffered in TVD not only Bonnie and Enzo killing has a specific purpose. And please don't speak for "the Fandom", just express your opinin.


I’m speaking for the fandom because it IS a general consensus, especially when everything that was going on behind the scenes came out. Make your own comment if you’re in the minority.


The entire relationship between Bonnie and Enzo was built to get to this point, precisely. The writers never do anything casually, they have a purpose, they have loose ends to tide up, because we are in the last season, they have answers to give. Every single character have a function, a scope, which is explain the subject matter that has been taken and explored, that inn season 8 is the concepts of redemption, accountability, responsibility and consequences. It is not by chance that they made Matt, saying that no matter what , it’s still you making the decision to do things or not to do things and it is difficult not to assign accountability to the hurtful decisions that have been made. We are at the end of the season closing up the initial matter “good brother bad brother” that during the 8 seasons has been dismantle, and now, in this specific episode, it is completely flipped. The difference in the brothers, is the life they had, that establish their personalities, Damon being the house escape goat the abused, made him vulnerable, made in over sensitive about being mistreated, and at the same time, because of Stefan and having to parent him, to protect him from the abuses, made him grow up faster, made him tougher, more exposed to the roughness of life, everything he does is a straggle, he had to work twice as hard to get anything or to atone for his mistakes and get forgiven. Stefan on the other side, grow up sheltered, unprepared to life, but he was aware of what was going on in his household and learnt pretty fast how to avoid trouble, by learning to be a smooth talker and to avoid conflicts. That gave him and advantage on one side, people forgive him very easily, he doesn’t have to work hard to be forgiven for his mistakes, on the other side he never had to atone for the terrible things he had done, that is why he never learned control, he didn’t have to, he let himself go as far as his humanity off can go having no subconscious stopping him, because deep down he knows that the people he had in his life always forgave him anyway. Those two are the fundamentals on which both characters personalities are based on and developted. So to go back to the main concept explored this season, redemption, accountability, responsibility and consequences, where the two brothers stand? Because, let not forget that the show is about the story of the two brothers, and even if we learn to love all the others characters, they are all, a mean to tell the brothers’ story, their development, to push it forward, and to close the circle, to tell the audience something meaningful. We saw the redemption arc of Damon throughout the seasons, that he conquered his dark side, that he struggle not to be victim of his emotional side, that would made him to explode in emotional outburst when mistreated, to conquer the heart of Elena, of Bonnie, even of Caroline. Stefan on the other side had no redemption arc, he is still the most unaware character of the show, he was a ripper in season one and he still a ripper in season 8, he hasn’t conquer that, he never atone for any of his actions. So Stefan character had to evolve, had to be push forward, had to have a reason to get towards redemption and accontability. Therefore part of the previous season and pf season 8 is a preparation for this, for Stefan finally be accountable for his life choices, for his actions' consequences. The killing of Enzo was a necessary tool to make Stefan do something unforgivable, that in writing is called “Moral event Horizon” and by making him human is a way of stripping him off, of any excuse for him now not to be self-aware of his actions consequences, and how they impact the people around him. The Enzo's killing was planned from the very beginning, that is why they concentrate so much on Bonnie and Enzo relationship to make it so endearing and so important to Bonnie, to show you precisely what Matt was saying to Caroline, to make the audience feel what Matt was feeling, to make Stefan less forgivable, to apply the golden writer rule, “show don’t tell”. The shock, the numbness, the disbelieve, the hunger is what you are supposed to feel, to the fact that Stefan never had to learn to listen to his subconscious, because he took for granted all his life, that no matter what he does, and how awful are the things he does, he would be forgiven anyway. Now he will not so be easely forgiven, and he will have to deal with it and face it, confronted with his humanity back, permanently, so he will not feel the enaunced guilt of wat he did, he will feel what humans feels, he will be put in the position, Matt and Bonnie are, vunerable and hopeless. Sorry but to me, this is preciselly how you write an absolutly brilliant, unforgettable, emotionally impactful show.

Hannah Sipes

Just my opinion but this ruined the entire last season for me 😭


NO it is ONLY your opinion and of some very young audince that look at the show superficially, 0nly for the romances, see nothing else, and that like to invent things that went on behind the scene, no matter the facts tell complitely the contrary. Noting"bad" went on behind the scene, nothing has EVER "came out" that imply anything silly youtuber looking for click bathing, imply without any shreads of research. EVERYBODY on the show were cortractualy bind not to say anything that was going on behind the scene, and after the show finished, NOBODY that worked in the show even remotelly imply that there was anything but plesantness and friendship between everybody: Actors, crew and the writers were regolarly going out, during the show, and they still do, when they can, like a big family, even with the big bosses of the Warner as Kat said. Also, the only time that Kat Graham spoke about Bonnie is in the interview that I posted, But I can see you don't like facts.


Without saying anything about the later episodes, I do think that every main character of this show, as of right now, has the possibility to achieve a happy ending that they deserve, all except for Bonnie. Damon and Stefan have their humanity back, which will probably bring challenges, especially for Stefan, but in the end it gives Stefan the possibility of working things out with Caroline. Damon has to wait for Elena but he will eventually have a future with her, but the best case scenario for Bonnie, as of right now, is - in my opinion - not good enough because she deserved to be with Enzo. For me it’s not so much about that Bonnie is the only one who went through things, because she isn’t the only one. For me this is about Bonnie being through so much without having it pay off in the end, in the way that the hardships, the other characters experienced, seem to pay off for them, as of right now.

Kitty Underwood

After you finish the series, I would actually suggest checking out some videos on "The Bonnie Problem" and how the character and actress was treated on the show. Jenny Nicholson talks about it among other things in her video essay on the series, but there are other videos dedicated entirely to Bonnie and Kat Graham


you have a tendency to argue with people who simply do not share your opinion even if it’s fandom consensus so respectfully, not reading all that. I’ve made my point.


Why shoud he do that? It's has been established that are BS by Kat Graham herself. I hope you know that slanering in a crime.


Really Bonnie is the only one that went through things? Alaric lost his wife, his girlfriend, and his wife, Elena and Jereny lost their parents, Elena her biological parents, Jenna, Elena lost Alaric, her brother died twice, she ied and become a vampire she lost, was torture by Klaus that use her as blood bag se lost Damon, and she is on a coma that will keep her from having a full life with her friends and her love. Bonnie... really? Damon was abused as a child, kiled by his own father, use ffor sex and deciet by Katherine, force to turn by his brother, left alone most of his life, tortured for 5 years, Bonnie, really? Matt was abandon by his father , had a absentee mother at 17 year had to be at scholl an pay for his own bills , lost his sister, his best friends, ad his hand smashe, he was stubbed too many times to count, he was kiled and brought to life at list twice, but you only see Bonnie? Bonnie was kiled only twice, she lost only her grams, due to her own fault, her father, and now Enzo, she is separated from Elena that is in acoma, and cannot have a life has she is. Really she is the one that suffered the least among all the characters. Now explain why you all are so bend to make Bonnie character "the one that suffered the most? no tell us the reason why you all single out Bonnie. And then all on you tell us why you think the character have to have an happy ending? Do you think you are watching an Halmart movie? This is TVD a psychological drama/ thriller/ horror TV show, so what gave you the notion that happy silly crappy cheesy ending, that every passerby idiot can write, belong to the genre, belong to TVD that is noting but shallow silly and predictable? This is not a fable, it's an horror TV show, a vampire show that is extremelly popular because of the quality of the writing, you lots seem to arrogantly thing you can do better. Sorry but I find that so very infantile!! You all don't realise but menthal age and level of education is showing....And I ma sorry but I am so fed up of hearing over and over againg this kind of BS, by a minoriyy of shallow people looking for attention and for contrversy where there is none, making assumptions out of nothing... truly, utterly, sincerely fed up, so it my right to be frack about it and not to be kind with peple that even when presented with facts and logic still choose to be pigheaded and keep going on with the BS!! Respect is given to people that make sense and that are willing to listen, and that are open minded to facts and logic, Bias people, for the sake of being bias, or even worse perjudice people, or people that so easely on board to slander the writers with ZERO evidence but their ignorant blid believe to youtube video done by random people that have never any connection with the people from the show, that have no evidence WHATSOEVER, rather that the words of the people from the show,and the only eveidence is people talking about it, so a lie repeated a thousand time become truth? Sorry this kind of people willing so easely to slander good people tha gave us such a gift in this wornderful show, and to spread BS, do not deserve any respect and should be told off in the most explict way, leaving no doubt how incredibly out of line, dihonorable and malivolent this is.


Let me be very clear about something. I will never EVER support buliies, or people that for sport like to accuse others of doing something that isn't true, they have no prove of but random video on youtube done by people that have zero connection with the people of the show and that use their ignorance, prejudism and malicious thinking, to start nasty unsubstanciated rumors agaist people that have done nothing wrong. Should I find ANYBODY here excercising slandering on good people, only on the base of malicious, nasty rumours that have no foundation in reality, that have been debunked by Kat Graham herself, in an interveiw given 3 years after the show eneded, just because they believe blindly without fact checking, random video on youtube, I will never just look and not take actions. Slandering is crime and it is a the nastiest thing to do to another human being, So if any of you insist on perpetrating a crime you will be reported to Patreon. I hope I made myself clear.


You have the tendency to mistake the word "opinins" with BS, Opinions are based on facts, not on random hear and say, that is called BS. Check the facts before talking badly about somebody , because that somebody next time could be you, or you like to slaner people just because you heard unsubstanciated rumors? Slandering is crime. And you better stop with the nasty innuendos that have no foundation in reality and have been debunk by Kat Graham herself.

Kitty Underwood

I have to disagree that "slander is the worst you can do to someone" but anyway, I also have a link to a portion of a podcast where Kat Graham talked about her time on the show and how she was treated differently than her castmates, if anyone is interested

Elizabeth Gates

The OP made no insinuations about the situation with Kat Graham. The ONLY thing they said is most people don't like that they killed Enzo, which is true, as is evidenced by the fact that, so far, 10 people have liked their comment. They didn't even say Bonnie went through more things than anyone else. They said Bonnie had been through enough. You're the one implying the OP said things they didn't say.

Kitty Underwood

For some reason I thought I would be able to dm people, but I guess it's only possible to message creators. It is a reddit link and it's only a little over a minute long, I'm sure she talks more about it in the full podcast.

Harry Allen

Please keep all comments respectful going forward. We can have disagreements about things, thats being human, but name calling is not okay and I will message people sperately if I keep seeing things that I don't agree with to find a solution. I appreciate the support for these videos but I don't want these comment sections to become a place of negativity and arguments, so I will do what I need to do to keep it that way. I will always do my own research when I can (after the show has finished) so there is no need to argue about things here. Its often best to just disagree and move on.


There is no disagreement, there is only people that do researches, and base what they say on facts, and people that like to stear things with inexistant clamed that are severe slanders. No likeing people that slander other people without any shread of prove I wouldn't call it a desagreement I would call it a matter for consern, I would call it a huge desrespect, It's one of the shittiest thing you can do to another human being, and a part from that is a crime.

Harry Allen

Two people can do similar research and come to different conclusions, at the end of the day no one knows all the facts of any situation unless they are a part of it. So far I have seen nothing in these comments sections that I would consider slander, only people's different opinions on how someone has been treated based on what they have seen online. If there is evidence you have that you think could help someone understand your feelings on a situation, there are many ways to share that and help them understand. I just won't tolerate any kind of name calling or rude behaviour between eachother in these comment sections. This is a safe place to discuss all matters of the show without there ever being a need for arguments or treating eachother with disrespect.


OH yes there is. Bonnie is the caracter that among al of them suffered the least, so why you all are so bend to single her out as if she is something special? What makes her different from the others? No please let us know, to what point of hypocracy you lot are capable to get. The superficiality you lot look at TVD is testamnt your school system, that porvide you with zero tools to look at things even just bit under the surfice: Shockingly Bonnie is one of those that has an happy ending, but not the stupid Halmark happy ending you wish TVD would drop it's level at, where everybody get married and live happy ever afte, with cheese grin of ther faces. TVD is not a romantic fable, it's a journey of people self empowerment, of growth, of maturity, of self -awareness, of freedom , among other things, Romance is not there per se, it's there to serve a purpuse. Bonnie happy ending is not a romance with a vampire , it's her freedom from all of this, freedom to have a family if she wants or not, be back to be true to yourself and what she always envison for her life, she is witch and a powerful noble woman, with strong principles. Shocking news, a woman doesn't need a man to be happy. That is what she deserve, that is TVD, Your ideal finale is cheap, infantile. TVD is on another level, TVD finale will be poetical, meaningful, Impactfull and worth remembering.


No Kat graham was very clear, there is no doubt about it. That is the only interview she ever talk about te producers of the show and the writers, and se taked about them the worrk they did together, hoe she was able to talk even with the big bosses of how to chance ther Hollywood trend at that time to treat Black Actor badly, and she was very happy to have find such a great evnvironment, Aso that Bonnie is very much the collaboration of jer with te writers, and they did a pretty god k job. HER WORS NOT MINE. There is no other clear interview wer she or any other meber of the show EVER talk about that, There is only cut and past pieces of inetrview showing the face of Kat serieuos, or pensove, or whatever and someone on a youtube veideo that tells you what she was thinking at te moment, that that is the prove she was mistreated, that bonnie sufferedm and that is the prve that the actress was hated.....and lots of people believe it, like a video with Ian Somerhalder at an interview behind his wife talking, he is penesive looking and the catption is "oh he is missing Nina" ...I mean the people that know how to read their mind and thinking that is prove that he miss Nina....that is not research that is BS, How do you call a person that believe this kind of things? Inteligent? if you believe in this kind of things and break the balls of everybody else all the time with this sort of BS "prove" you that are not intelligently challanged at a certain point, had enough and start to call people for what they present themself to be,and rightfully so. Everytime I ask one of those people to show me the prove of what they are saying they present me with a hear and say thing, because there are no inteview of any of them saying anything about it because is not true, is a malicious fabrication. Believe me I watch EVERYTHING about it , every single inteview I have an archive. So no ther is no differnt point of view , no different cnclusion to reasaerches, ther is ONLY what Kat said ONCE, and cut and paste video made up on purpose to substain the slander., doe by randon people that have no connection with anybody that worked on the show no direct sorce, just they took sme existing interview cut some pieces and talk over them telling what you should think, what that esperssion means, what that gesture meas. Really? Seriously that is your prove? I s wish Julie plec would take this people to court and they would have to explain were t did they hear certain things..." oh I saw a youtube videos...they were saying pigs fly so it must be true." The "fandom" is not all that intelliigently challanged, fortunatelly. And because there is Kat talking about this very clearly, inequivocalbly and in a period where she had no contractual obligation with the show so she had no motive to said what she said, she could have just shut up about it , but she said waht she said . most probably to shut up the BS, and people keep going on and on and on slandering the writers with zero prove but those kind of BS cut and paste videos on youtube, of people that say what you should think and believe that inseaad of believe Kat words on it, and follow the logic, how do they present themself, as intelligent? Tell me why any of us should have to witness and put up with slandering of people that all they did is write a fantastic show , and give nobodies the change to be known internationally, give then a career. Sorry I cannot , no I will not allow slandering. because there is no doubt that is oNLY malicious slanddering.

Harry Allen

Like I said, I can not do my own research until I have finished the show, so can not comment on this issue myself. My point with all of this is that I won't have anyone in the comments calling another person names or else I will have to take action, plain and simple. There are so many ways to communicate and discuss things without ever veering into being disrespectful or rude to another person and I won't have that happen within my community space.


Not commenting about what you said because you seem to be someone who enjoys TVD for different reasons than I do at least in some regards - and that is completely ok. I wanted to comment about how you expressed yourself to basically everyone here, you have been extremely condescending and rude to anyone you don’t agree with, and there is simply no reason for that. Can we please at least try to understand each others interests and show a little empathy for others emotions for a show they enjoy and stop the rudeness that came from the lack of said empathy? Like I said, I recognize that you enjoy TVD for different reasons than I do and that’s ok, so it would be nice, if you could recognize and accept the reasons of others that enjoy this show.

Maribel Humble

It was Bonnie's time to shine in this episode—an impressive performance by Kat Graham. When the fans visit Covington, GA, aka Mystic Falls, they reenact the unforgettable scene with Bonnie screaming while holding Enzo’s body. The first time I saw this scene, I felt shocked and hollow. I didn't know what to do. I was mad at Stefan but also understood this scene's purpose. Kat Graham's accomplishments: ( source from katgeaham.com ) “She is an actress, singer, dancer and producer. Working across various genres in film, television, and music, she is one of the most accomplished and versatile young talents working today. Graham rose to fame in her early 20s, becoming a teen idol on the hit TV show The Vampire Diaries. This was years after performing with heavyweight music performers such as Will.!.Am and Pharrell. She went on to work with industry titans Babyface and Prince, becoming the first solely independent artist to break the top 10 on the charts with both iconic musicians. Graham's recent films include the critically acclaimed Cut Throat City as well as the NAACP nominated Emperor. With over 100 film and television credits to her name by age 30, Graham also became a fashion icon known for her chameleon-esque and ever-changing and evolving style. She has graced the covers of magazines such as Vogue, Rollingstone, Cosmopolitan, L'Officiel, and more. Graham's credits since 2017 include the 70s period crime thriller The Poison Rose opposite Morgan Freeman and John Travolta, Netflix's How It Ends, opposite Theo James and Forest Whitaker, Netflix's international #1 film Operation Christmas Drop, Dreamwork's Trollstopia, Lionsgate's Where's The Money, and of course All Eyez On Me, The Tupac Shakur biopic. Graham made her television debut in 2002 on Disney Channel's popular teen comedy Lizzie McGuire. She has also appeared on several hit Disney, Fox, CBS, and ABC television shows. Other notable film credits include 17 Again, The Roommate, Addicted, and the dance film Honey 2. Known for pioneering diversity, inclusion, and humanitarian efforts that focus on the refugee crisis and human rights, Graham became a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for the Refugee Agency (UNHCR), as well as an Ambassador for Rotary International, a council member for GLAAD, and crowned African Princess of Mai-Ndombe, Congo for her humanitarian work in Africa. Her PSA for Black Lives Matter garnered her an Emmy nomination for best short. Graham released her debut EP Against the Wall in May 2012 after signing with A&M/Octone/Interscope records, and her first single, Put Your Graffiti On Me, reached over 7 million views on VEVO and hit #5 on the Billboard Dance Chart. She has had multiple Billboard/Chart top fives, including Sometimes, and the Prince penned If Eye Could Get UR Attention. Her debut full-length album Roxbury Drive included her single Secrets Ft. Babyface. Graham, who has a degree in recording engineering, produced the 90s-inspired album with Jean-Yves “Jeeve” Ducornet and co-wrote the entire album with Babyface. She released her second album, Love Music Funk Magic, in 2017, on which she worked with collaborators Babyface and Prince. In 2022, Graham was the first entertainer to release her album - Toro Gato - as an NFT, becoming the first artist in history to use the platform to release an album exclusively. She starred in 4 films in 2022, including Netflix's Love In The Villa, which became Graham's fourth #1 with Netflix after charting number one in 89 countries. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, in which she also made history by playing the first African-American April O'Neil, the thriller Heatwave, and the indie feature Collide. Graham has served as the face for many brands such as L'Oreal, BMW, Omega, Foster Grant, Wet 'N Wild, Degree, Samsung, Avon, Bing, Ford, Aquafina, Abercrombie, Nivea, Covergirl, Armani, Fanta, Skin Ceuticals and many more. Graham published her first book, Seasons Of You, a guided wellness journal released by Clarkston Potter/Penguin Random House. Her upcoming films include Black White & Blue, written and directed by Tyler Perry and produced by Amazon Studios. She will also portray Diana Ross in the Michael Jackson biopic, “ Michael, directed by Antoine Fuqua, produced by Graham King, and distributed by Lionsgate and Universal International.” After all these accomplishments, it is sad that some fandom only focuses on the acclaimed bad treatment Kat experiences on the show, but those fans seldom mention or are aware of her achievements. If Kat had indubitably experienced racism on TVD and verbally proclaimed it, this would make her a liability for others to work with her. If those allegations were true, Kat would not have been sought out as she was after TVD ended because the industry would have to worry about the racial dilemma. It was due to TVD that Kat Graham was cemented in the fame spotlight. It is baffling why the fans don't consider how this allegation only hinders and limits Kat Graham to playing roles the fans deem acceptable. Kat would not be free to play complex roles with flaws and virtues. Complex characters are what makes them unforgettable. Bonnie had amazing scenes throughout the show, so why are people only focused on those insinuations instead of the actress's capabilities? Had Kat not been able to deliver those amazing scenes, does anyone think the producers would have kept her around for eight seasons? The answer is a resounding no. Nobody would waste time, effort, and money on an untalented actress for a worldwide famous show like TVD. In a TV interview with Dennis Miller, Kat Graham told the party responsible for spreading those rumors to stop. Here is the source of that interview: https://www.rt.com/shows/dennis-miller-plus-one/502195-kat-graham-is-trying-to/ What makes that interview credible is that it was not cut and paste as the video claiming that Kat Graham was treated differently due to her skin color. I have been following TVD comments since 2018 throughout several platforms, and what I found interesting is that whenever fans are talking about Bonnie's discrimination on TVD in that particular post, the fans are highly engaged, but if about something else about Kat/Bonnie that post the fans are hardly engaged in conversations. One might ask why people are doing this. What’s sad is that the country was headed in a good direction when it came to racism, but the president and his wife during the years 2013 to 2017 term brought it back. They didn't do it because they cared about the people. They did it to divide the country. It was a ploy to keep people blinded to what was happening. A good leader doesn't create division among its citizens; a good leader finds common ground to unite the people. What gives me hope is that different races in America are opening their eyes to the terrible policies that only serve to keep people divided. Such division doesn't help any country.


There is a huge diffecence between , people that have studied for long time, lived for long time, experinced the world, and worked in the indutry and have knowlege and people that have barely finish school, never set foot anywere else but their own neibourhood, experienced nothing much, lived not for long, and have no clue about what their are watcing when they watch a TV show, Being the latter and wanting to push your "opinion" on someone that knows about everything a ton more than you do, show arrogance, entitlement, and ignorance. That is rudeness. I am of a generation that value truth over "feelings" of random people that feel the necessity to impose their ignorance on others without shame. Pointing out their ignorance is not rudenes, it's a matter of establishing what is true, real, and what is not. An "opinion" based on hear and say, rumours, random people assuptions, has the same value of a certanty that pigs can fly and as such should be treated, with ridicule and contenpt. It's a duty, for everybody sake and intelligence and all the years I and others learn something, and for the sake of the person that think is saying something real and inteligent, to tell that person that what was stated is nor real or intelligent. And it's important to state it because if nobody ever does it, stupidity assurge to the same level of importance of intelligence. Just because some people have the ability to write on a computer and can write anything, they must feel enttle to bother others and insist on their believes of pigs flying BS. There must be boundries, to contain BS from spilling onto the field of reality or some people will think they have the right to discuss things without any education any information, thinking that just because they can write unfornded, uneducated, unreal "opinions", those have the same value of an educated, real, informed facts. I am another generation, If I don't know things I shup up, IF I see someone tat give me information that I don't have, I listen, and if I think and I know, you are saying someting stupid I am going to tell you off, and I am going to tell you why. I am not hypocritical, you should have the maturity to take a criticism that is founded on facts, from a person much older that you, much more knowledgeble and not call the truth told, rudeness only because you got caught on telling BS and someone called you out on it and told you exacty as it is. I am not the one telling BS, I am ONLY the one calling them out.