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TWO LEFT, I can not imagine what its gonne feel like in two weeks but I can not wait to see how we end off!

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/12SZgkvEIMpMbupQrCaFf-SdfdKBb0ZPF/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kvrult1h1vx5bryu233yy/TVD-S8E14.mp4?rlkey=zbulhe8byixazxkwg16jch79t&st=gx23xdz5&dl=0

Google Drive Tip: It takes time for Google Drive to process videos. If it says "still processing" or is only allowing you to view at 360p, then you can always come back later or download the video in full

Dropbox Tip: The quality of the video is lower while streaming so I recommend downloading or using google drive if thats an issue



Oh yes I can't believe we have only two episode left. I wish you would do a rewatch of the show now that you have all the information about everythhing, that would be something nobody did, comments spoilers free and realise as you rewatch along how many details were planted, that you didn't even know they were there because you couldn't know the future references and the forshadowing, not knowing the story. That would be such an interesting reaction. So keep that in mind, if you miss the show, and I can garantee you will, because everybody does, and you decide to rewatch it, you can binge it by yourself, or make it a shared rewatch,. Your choice. In any case as Damon said in the first season and in this episode: "it's been the hell of a ride".

Andrea Dcosta

Love the Caroline- Stefan and the Bros scenes this ep they were the highlight for me..

Kitty Underwood

Everyone we saw getting dragged off was getting dragged to Hell. With Katherine specifically, she tried to go to the other side through Bonnie who was the anchor, but it didn't work and they were both confused, then she got pulled away

Maribel Humble

When Damon sacrificed himself to save Elena and Stefan, Damon became my all-time favorite TV character. Harry, I will explain that question in the series finale. I will have a hole in my heart when Harry finishes TVD, but doing a second round with us will be unique because you will be the first to do a second rewatch of TVD on Patreon. You will see why this show is so beloved. It would be fun.