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Post your questions for me to answer at the end of the episode!!

Let me know if you would NOT like your name included with the question during the episode!


WHAT IS QUESTION TIME?: Here you can ask me ANY questions related to the episode or show as a whole. I will read and answer them at the end of the episode so they will be included within the reaction itself! Because I only read them after finishing the episode, feel free to include any spoilers relating to episode, just no spoilers after this point!!!



I dread to think about how long this could’ve gone on (and what could’ve happened) if Charlie didn’t have Nick, who notices everything about Charlie, to give him this final push to talk to his parents. I think this was handled with a delicacy, grace, and care that Charlie needed. What do you hope to see for Charlie going forward after he has come to his parents about his mental health struggles?


Less of a question, more of a potential talking point (and this is long-winded — sorry in advance), but I am so happy that Charlie has had the art room as a safe space for him, by extension of Mr Ajayi, from the days of when he was being bullied in Year 9, then through season 1 as a place he and Nick could hang out but also a place he could be alone. At the end of season 1, Mr Ajayi talked to Charlie about how frequently he eats lunch in there and asks Charlie if he was doing what he did the year before — isolating himself and not talking to anyone. I am happy that Charlie still has that connection to a place and teacher at the school who make him feel safe. Opening up to Mr Ajayi about his “rules” was a very big step for Charlie. I wonder how the conversation would’ve proceeded if Nick hadn’t walked in. Also, a note in case you didn’t realize, Elle and Charlie actually met because they both went to the art room during lunch the year before season 1 started! That’s why they’re all in the same original four friend group despite Elle being a year older than the rest of them. When I think about Elle’s painting titled “Safe Place” in season 2 of the four of them in the art room, I always get so emotional. All of this is to say I am very grateful for Mr Ajayi and the safe space he has made for queer students in the school, but also that they know they can come to him about stuff that is unrelated to being queer (i.e. Charlie’s rules that he has to follow).


A lighter question after such an emotional ending — Tara asked the group in this episode what animal they would be, with the criteria that it had to be an animal they saw today. What animal would you choose?

Dionne Lakey

As the title of this episode is talk, my question is: what do you think of the way that the teenagers talk in this show as a whole? Their communication is at times absolutely amazing. However Heartstopper is often criticised for how unrealistic it shows teenagers in a British school. So the second part to my question is: in terms of representation of real British teenagers, can you think of another British show that covers similar topics that HS does, and how do the methods of communication compare?

Sue Porter

Let me preface this question by saying how much I loved tori this season. But my question is, we know how much she loves charlie and we saw how often she comes to his defence against Jane, so I'm wondering why she did nothing in the 2 weeks (sees the site start of Nick's week 3 and then Nick's birthday is the first weekend after they go back to school, so maybe 2 weeks?) after she found out about Charlie having an eating disorder other than texting nick and expecting him to do something. I thought it might be because she either has her own mental health issues or that maybe Jane is just too big an obstacle for even her to overcome. Or maybe it was all too new for her too. But then she had been worried about him for a while. Anyway, just interested in your thoughts.


Throughout the three seasons of the show, we’ve been given subtle hints about Charlie’s ED before diving deeper into it this season. One of the things we see is that Nick is the first person to realize that something is wrong with Charlie back in Paris, but it takes the other people around him much longer to notice any signs that there could be something going on with him, and when they do, they assume that his behavior and/or attitude has to do with his relationship with Nick (e.g. spending too much time with him and ignoring his schoolwork, like his mom believes). Charlie’s ED and self-harm started back when he was being bullied, well before he even met Nick, so there should have been some signs that his family or Tao, Elle, and Isaac may have noticed. I feel like we can excuse his friends because they are literal children, and when Charlie was first being bullied they were probably around 14 years old — it would be a lot to expect someone so young to recognize those signs. However, I still question why his parents never noticed any changes in Charlie’s behavior or emotions at home. Do you think his parents could have caught signs sooner? Or is that expecting too much, given that we as the audience have been privy to so much information about Charlie’s background?

lisa mcarthur

do u think that nick should told Tao of what going on with charile so he can get more support from there friend group or dont say anything and also do u think about the talk between nick and charile at nick place and do u think nick said all the right words to charile. and what you like to see in the rest of this season