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Post your questions for me to answer at the end of the episode!!

Let me know if you would NOT like your name included with the question during the episode!


WHAT IS QUESTION TIME?: Here you can ask me ANY questions related to the episode or show as a whole. I will read and answer them at the end of the episode so they will be included within the reaction itself! Because I only read them after finishing the episode, feel free to include any spoilers relating to episode, just no spoilers after this point!!!



When this finale aired the network hadn’t yet greenlit a fifth season so this episode was written and filmed as a potential series finale, so how would you have felt if the show had ended here? Personally I thought it was a great finale. Rebekah got the love and happiness she always desired, Elijah’s free from the burden of familial responsibility, and Klaus earned redemption by saving his daughter – but all of it comes at the cost of losing their family. I LOVE the actual series finale too, but I don’t think I would’ve been too upset if this had been the ending.