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Kitty Underwood

Bonnie set water on fire like 3-4 times in season 1. Once at the car wash, and one more time when she was going to kill Damon after Caroline turned

Indre Duobaite

For a second I thought it was a great point that Bonnie setting the water on fire represented expression being unnatural but then I remembered that she did the same thing in season 1. When Anna and that other vampire guy were holding Bonnie and Elena captured in a motel she spilled water onto the guy's sleeve and set his arm on fire to escape


There are 4 main points to this episode. 1) The relationship between Damon and Jeremy. They had their ups and down that make them have a kind of relationship that is a constant banter, but behind this pretence of hostility there is a deeper connection. They had very intimate moments and Jeremy followed Damon like a little brother looking for his big brother approval, he likes that Damon is a badass and he would like very much to be like him. Now that has the hunter drive he can, but he can't bring himself to kill Damon, not because of Elena, but because those two have a connection, have feelings for each other, even if they play it as they haven’t. Jeremy is not a born killer, so even if his hunter instinct has been triggered, he still understands the difference between killings because it is necessary and killing family, and Damon is family at this point. Their relationship is very much underrated. Surely Damon resisted the compulsion partially because of Elena, but not just because of her, he was telling Jeremy all the time what to do and he would have rather die than killing him, he was telling him to point at his heart and wasn’t kidding! So the comparison with Stefan that is sometimes made, is not a good one first because Stefan was fighting for the girl he loved and Damon for Jeremy and even though his motivation to resist compulsion was less stronger, still, he would have rather die than give in. Proving that compulsion as sire bond effect actions not feelings, and that you cannot avoid to do things but you are still conscious that what you are doing is not your will and that consciousness can give you options. 2) Elena wanting to kill KOL conscious that that would kill lots of vampires that are just like them some good, some bad. The point here is that she is put in a corner by Kol's actions. Damon is in danger of killing her brother, her brother is a reluctant hunter, and he is in danger constantly by having to kill vampires to make the marks growing, because Klaus is not going to give up and he is going around turning innocent people into vampires, anyway. So what is the solution? The only possible solution, to stop all of this, not because of the cure but to protect her brother and Damon. Kill the source of all problems, Kol, and with that stop once and for all of this. It is a matter of choosing the lesser evil. Elena’s choice has nothing to do with her being a vampire, Elena as human would have done the same given the circumstances. 3) Bonnie and Professor Shane. He is one manipulative son of the gun, he made Bonnie overload with dangerous magic and at the same time made himself indispensible to get Bonnie’s powers under control. He knows what button to push with her to have power over her and he sounds crazy, by keeping saying that Silas will bring dead people back to life. The point is that, Kol said that the cult he encountered told him that Silas would bring the world to an end, Rebekah said that he is a bed time story and professor Shane said that he would bring back the dead. So where is the truth here? And here is when we feel the absence of Alaric, without him researching things and making plans, our group of friends lack vital information, direction, solutions and cohesion. Alaric was a very important piece of the group. 4) Stefan and everybody else. Oh boy, he is such a sore loser. Even though we all understand he is hurting and what he did by locking Damon up is right, as it is keeping Elena separated from him, for the time being, still he does it with scorn and contempt, trying to hurt Elena as much as he can. Yep, he is being a bit of an ass. It’s the second time he is saying to Elena’s face that she means nothing to him now, which is obviously not true because otherwise he wouldn't be so sour about it and to put the cherry on the top of the bitterness cake, he chooses revenge sex with Rebekah as per “you slept with Damon I sleep with Rebekah”, as Damon did when Elena told him that his love was an inconvenience. Rebekah once again used as revenge sex.

Harry Allen

OMG you are so right, even while editing I was thinking "tbf Harry you do have a bad memory so you might be wrong on this one" LMAO

Harry Allen

I do really enjoy the development of compulsion as the series has gone on, it used to seem like it was a simple "do this and don't care" kinda deal but like you said, its so much more than that. And honestly I really do hope we get some more scenes with Jeremy and Damon together outside of this hunter training as its been way too long. Also holy shit, I didn't think about how Alaric being the one researching stuff has kinda left them in a blind spot, good point!

Maribel Humble

I agree with Harry that Damon’s compulsion to kill Jeremy is one of the most interesting compulsions so far due to how Damon heard Elena's voice at the grill and the fact that Damon and Jeremy's history. Guys, it is crucial to remember that Kol did not just compel Damon to kill Jeremy. Kol also made Damon forget about the compulsion to kill Jeremy, but somehow, Damon figured out he was compelled after hearing Elena calling him at the grill. Damon remembering the compulsion shows his strong sense of self, which you guys know how important that is for season 8. I agree with PatPet regarding the intimate relationship between Damon and Jeremy; for example, in their scene in the season 1 finale, when Jeremy asks Damon if life is better as a vampire and Damon responds to Jeremy that life is hard either way. Still, vampires don't have to feel bad if they don't want to. Oh, that scene always grips my heart. It is one of my favorites from season one. Jeremy didn't have a male figure to look up to until Damon and Alaric. In season 1, grams told Bonnie that the crystal that found its way to her belonged to Emily Bennet, one of the most powerful witches in the Bennett family. This is a foreshadowing of the type of witch Bonnie is leading to. The path to greatness is not layout with rose petals, but instead, it is made out of thorns, tears, and struggles which is a concept the fandom dismisses.


I so agree with you. The major difference between the two brothers is that Damon is very self aware of who he is, he might be impulsive but he is very aware of his actions and the consequences, he knows his flaws and try very hard to better himself. His fundamental good nature and what happen to him in his life, made him super perceptive and super defensive. On the other hand Stefan is blissfully unaware of his flaws, he grow up thinking he is unquestionably a great person, and everything that happen to him is the worse of the worse that others imposed on him, therefore everything he does is not his fault and he makes so much fuss about it that everybody feel incline to pity him. Like in season one when he wanted to kill himself for being exposed to the eyes of Elena and Bonnie in front of Damon; he goes around smooth talking people in thinking he is the best, that doesn't have to apologise with anybody for the things he does, because he suffers enough per se. Damon is very self aware of how his presence and his actions impact others, and in his mind the impact is even much worse on how it is in reality. Stefan is the opposite is very aware on how others impact himself, but very blind on everything that is outside of his personal experience and have difficulty to understand others feelings and needs; his empathy is only related to what he perceive as right or wrong and his right and wrong are very black and white, because he is not used to self-reflection, he only aware of his own feelings and the self pity he feel for himself and loathing he has for his ripper persona that consider as another identity he has to endure and separated from real himself. While Damon human or vampire is the same person, but with heighten emotions and with all the difficulty that come with being a vampire. But he deal with it, the best he can, never blaming others, never burdening others with his traumas and never bragging about his good deeds.