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When Elena and Katherine have the same dream that Stefan is in danger and desperately needs their help, they convince Damon to help them find Stefan. However, their plans are thwarted by a mysterious young woman named Tessa who seems to know everything about Stefan's history. In flashbacks to a distant time and place, Tessa reveals the shocking secrets in her past and what she has planned for the future. She also has a disturbing message for Damon about his own future. Silas forces an unwilling accomplice to help him search for Katherine, leading to a confusing and life-threatening situation for Matt. Finally, Silas reveals the reason he's determined to find Katherine, and Damon and Elena face a disturbing new reality.



And we can finally put the lid on Stefan and Elena as a couple, or as a soul mate, they never were in the first place, adding to that the doppelgänger spell, and the writers killed any chance of them being suited for each other in any possible way. The point is Stefan and Elena as a couple, were pushed together because of a spell (and the purpose of that spell will be eventually explained), circumstances and social pressure. Be under a spell doesn’t make the person you are push towards your true love, because true love imply free will and real compatibility. That is why Elena has always been attracted to Damon since season one even though she was in a relationship with Stefan. If we recall why she got together with Stefan, apart from Stefan saying "I simply cannot resist her" due to the spell (first episode), it was also because of the circumstances they were in. Stefan was still living in the past, getting over the damage that Katherine relationship did to him and his psychological problems related to blood thirst and Elena was in a vulnerable state, grieving her parents and feeling num to life. The magic spell, made her believe she must have been in love with him since they had this force that attracted to each other. Stefan on the other side fell in love with her but for the wrong reasons, more like an obsessions to be with the good doppelgänger and rewrite his own love story. The fact that Stefan repeat the same words of Silas to Katherine, and got together with Elena because he tough she was "good and kind and compassionate" as he said to Lexi which is practically saying that she is an angel in so many words, it is the prove of that, it’s a story repeating itself, that isn’t due to free will but it's a reaction due to a spell that makes you attracted magically to a specific person that can easily be mistaken for love, because it feels fated, it feels strong, it feels pushing you to be close. Adding the fact that Stefan is a smooth talker and conquered her social circle by being an “animal blood drinker” instead of being himself and pretending to be human, reinforced her believe she was with the right person, her friends were pushing her with Stefan too, against her instinct telling her that Damon was. Same for Damon, he didn’t love Elena immediately, he got to know her first, and pretty quickly he realise who she was, and conquer first his respect, because she was fierce, not scare of him, of telling him off, reckless and impulsive as he is, strong will as he is and not scare to go above and beyond, to do what is necessary to do even at risk to die. The have been always a team. The scene in this episode at the bar, is what Damon and Elena are, an action couple, not scare of physical fighting, they are the different face of the same coin. Damon was always in the back of her head, they bonded immediately, they always team up, and even in the period she had a grudge against him for snapping Jeremy’s neck, her feelings were always an action or a reaction to Damon like someone you love that disappoint you but you still love. And that put totally on another prospective the scene in her bedroom where Damon came drunk after Katherine told him that was "Stefan it will always be Stefan" and Damon tells Elena that there is something between them and she knows it and that she lies to him, to Stefan and to herself and he is so right, because even though she though it was Stefan and she tells him, it was Damon, it has always Damon. And if he didn't compelled her to forget they met first, she would have never got together with Stefan, they would have probably be close friends but not lovers, because Damon is her fit. And that is what a soul mate is, someone compatible to how you are, to what you want, to what you are sexually attracted to, because of your personality, of the way you are, the way you grow up etc because. all the factor that makes you, a very unique individual. So here it is what the writers are saying that the actual soul mates are Damon ad Elena because their love is there because they are compatible to each other, they are not a couple because of someone in time casted a spell with the purpose of pushing two particular people, the doppelgängers together, but it is because they are together out of their natural compatibility, suitability, physical and of personality with each other. That is what soul mate means. And Damon and Elena are definitely soul mate we have 5 season of proving it, they got together even with all obstacles and difficulties, the spell, and even against themselves, fighting the inevitability of getting together. It is very difficult in life to find someone that fits you like a glove in any possible way, and there is no universe or spell that can change who you are and what is right for you, it might get you on a detour, but eventually, unless you live in denial of who you are and what you want, as Elena did for long time, it will become apparent, obvious and undeniable who you really want, who is the one for you. Now we know a bit more about the Elena’s doppelgänger, we seen the originator Amara, but if we remember a famous dinner between the Salvatore and the Mikelason, Elijah told us about what they believed was the originator of the doppelganger, Tatiana, they both feel in love with, not even the originals knew of Silas and Amara story. Now Stefan has been linked to Silas in order for Qatsiyah to fry his brain and keep him unable to use his psychic abilities , she hasn’t unlinked them so Stefan’s brain even it has regenerated, the spell is still on, to prevent Silas to regain his abilities, that mean that Stefan brain it stay fried because of the spell, therefore his memory is gone, as Silas abilities.

Melanin Ky

Absolutely LOVEEEE Qetsiyah. Literally a bad ass bitch!!! 😍 They did a great job casting. Even though many people see this episode as "proof" that Stefan and Elena's love was "Fake" I don't necessarily agree. It keeps being said that doppelgängers attract themselves to eachother. Finding each other is their fate. But I don't necessarily think that means the love between the doppelgängers is fake only that they are drawn to eachother. Everyone interprets this doppelgänger storyline differently and that's ok. Yes there are multiple doppelgängers between Katherine, Stefan & Elena. We even learned of Tatia in S3; her blood was used in the ritual to turn the Originals into vampires.


It is prove, though, that is why the writers put it there? They put there for a reason and the reason is to state the difference between falling is love because of external factors push you to do things, you wouldn't normally do and real choices based on real feelings, on what you need and want, choices made out of the inevitability of falling in love with someone and see that someone as the only one you see a future with, someone you cannot think your life without. Stefan and Elena were never meant to be, they got together because of the spell and the particular circumstances they were both at that time, not because they were compatible or their choice was the choice you would do in a normal state of mind, not when a spell, the feeling of dread that made you wanting any trill to make you feel alive, or because your social circle approve, so that everything push you towards the more "accepted choice". Elena was a kid grieving, of course she mistaken Stefan for her true love, he was there, new, gorgeous, thrilling, mysterious, available and very keen and she always did what was expected from her. But, has she ever seen Stefan in her future? No. Had she trusted him ever as she trusted Damon? No. Didn't she always look at Damon while running in Stefan's arms? Yes always. Was she attracted to Damon from the first time they met? Yes, both times when they met for the first time, she was very flirty with him, and the second first time too she was steering at his lips. Circumstances made her have feelings for someone that isn't necessary what you would have chosen to go out with, in normal circumstance, that doesn't means that because of those feelings, their love was true love or they where soul mates, because they never were, as her and Matt weren't. That doesn't mean that she doesn't care for them, she still does, but real love is something else, not the one with Stefan or with Matt. Stefan and Matt to Elena are a passage you do when you are young to understand what you DON'T want and help you to focus more your aim towards what is more suitable to you, what you really want, who is for you.

Melanin Ky

I expressed that I don't believe it was FAKE, that's literally it. We all have opinions, I've watched the whole show in its entirety to form my own opinion about the storyline. Just because "destiny" or in this case magic is drawing two people together doesn't mean that the connection they shared with each other was not real. That's just now how I look at it.


So, on top of all the other reasons, why the writers introduce this? What would be the reason of it if not to prove that free will is only exercise within the Damon and Elena couple? I didn't say that they didn't feel anything, I said the a spell, special circumstances and social pressure, might induce you to think you are in love, but when when you come back to reality you have to deal with the fact that that person is not what you what, not what you might have chosen if you were in normal circumstances, not you soul mate. I don't think that when she started the relationship with Matt c she didn't feel anything for him, same with Stefan but both of them are not THE ONE for Elena and Elena too is not the one for Stefan. Opinions should be based on facts, on what the writers tells you and why, not on what we would like something to be. Let's talk about it, of course if you want to talk about it.

Melanin Ky

I wouldn't be able to explain my reasoning without spoiling things that has not been spoken of yet. I never said he was THE ONE or that he was her soulmate. I only said that the feelings between them was not ingenuine so im not understanding the discourse. Regardless of FACT, one can still have differing opinions. I've seen many reactors interpret this very storyline in completly different ways 👍🏾


Damon's little speech about how he doesn't let people tell him how to live his life or who to love is so beautiful. I love how soft he is with Elena.


That is what I am saying that they believe their feeling were, surely, but were induced by the spell, the situation, and the social pressure. When finally Elena was strong enough to stand by her choices, when she wasn't in a grieving state anymore, when she grow up, and could see that she is not in love with Stefan, when the her feelings for Damon couldn't be denied anymore, thanks to the fact that she become a vampire/an adult and where obviously much stronger than any spell, she did break free from all of it to be herself and to pursued what she really wanted in life. So what I am saying is that Stefan and Elena happen only because of the external factors, if those one weren't at play Stefan and Elena would have most probably never happen, because Stefan and Elena have very little in common. And their little in common they have si very much stressed in season 4 before they split up. I am just saying this because it is important to read correctly what the writers saying and to connect the dots. The majority of reactors don't have the perceptivity , nor the education, or the intelligence to understand what is going on. I wouldn't use that as a counter argument., only Harry, Mega, Sofie, JuliDG, Evie and MJDebio could be taken seriously when it come to react to TVD or TO, the rest are totally clueless and seriously laughable, I wouldn't spend money on them. In any case I agree with you on the casting of Qetsiyah, perfection, she is so good.

Maribel Humble

Qetsiyah: “I am a complicated person.” “I have trust issues.” “Love bends the rules of possible.” Silas tells Qetsiyah: “I know you must be very angry with me.” I am like: “ you think‼️.”🤣 I love the actress's performance in this episode. Her pain and rage are so palpable. Last January, I adopted a kitten. I named her Qetsiyah, but unlike the character, my kitten is sweet and curious and, for some reason, loves to see me doing the dishes. 🤣 Damon: “ We should really get going if we want to beat traffic.” Stefan: “yep, yep. He’s right.” I love how the brothers find time to joke around despite the circumstances. 🤣🤣 The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition for: Destiny: 1. something to which a person or thing is destined : FORTUNE 2 : a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency Fate: 1 : the will or principle or determining cause by which things, in general, are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do : 2a : an inevitable and often adverse outcome, condition, or end b: DISASTER especially : DEATH 3a : final outcome b : the expected result of normal development c: the circumstances that occur to someone or something. Free will: 1 : voluntary choice or decision 2 : freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention. Fate and destiny refer to the future. Fate is the predetermined events that can not change an individual's life. Fate is outside of one’s control. Destiny is frequently interlinked with fate. Destiny often refers to a specific future or outcomes that result from a predetermined or inescapable course of events. It also refers to the course of events or the power of the force that propels things to have a deity or fate but does not control free will. It is the ability to choose between different possible courses of action. Free I'll is closely related to the concepts of moral responsibility, praise, culpability, sin, and other decisions which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. Now let me paint a picture of what fate, destiny, and free will looks like : There is a garden with various trees. Some of these trees bear fruits. There are also many different types of flowers. Nothing within this garden can’t change. Everything within that garden is your fate. Destiny can choose anything within that garden. Free will has the ability to choose to ignore it or choose to care for it. God could have effortlessly created a world where nothing evil could ever happen. But this world would not have been able to love. God could have preprogrammed humans to say loving things and act lovingly. He could even have preprogrammed these humans to believe they were choosing to love. But these preprogrammed humans would not genuinely be loving. Love can only be genuine if it’s freely chosen. This means unless humans can choose against love, they can’t genuinely choose for it. God wants humans to truly love him and not force people into loving him, so thus people have the potential to decide against love. The price of the possibility of love is freedom, and with freedom comes the possibility of evil. How does this all fit for the doppelganger? The destiny reference by Qetsiyah gears toward the magic domain since the doppelganger's destiny resulted from a spell that propels them to find each other. Patpet gave a great example about the spell: Silas told Amara he saw an angel in her. Stefan says the same thing to Katherine. Stefan tells Lexi that Elena is warm, kind, caring, and unselfish and omits her tenacity up to that point on TVD. It seems like the doppelgangers are repeating their story throughout time. Stefan and Elena did love each other, but their love was not genuine, a spell ignited it. They did experience those warm feelings and pain, but their love is not true love. Elena had an expiration of her relationship with Stefan since he was a vampire and she was a human who wanted a family. Elena was also attracted to Damon since season 1. If Elena truly loved Stefan, Damon would have never found his way into her heart. So what is the difference between infatuation, warm feelings, and love to true love? True love seeks the best for others and the betterment of human life in all its dimensions. True love means living for others and giving without expecting anything in return. Its source is transcendental. The various philosophies and religions of the world speak of this value with a variety of emphases, aspects, and concepts, such as compassion, grace, justice, charity, liberation, righteousness, and agape love. This value, true love, is the aspiration and hope of all human beings and the manifestation of the best in human nature. True love is not only a merely warm fuzzy feeling, but feelings manifested through actions.