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Okay Lily can just fuck off now, I can't

Link 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ozJ19dVxE28cbsOYWY5rUUng7LlsqIDV/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uxw16xntqk1xhm1jz6q62/TVD-S7E5.mp4?rlkey=lsc33nvc96q93kokxuqzreq5b&dl=0

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You got Stefan perfectly. He was looking at Valery as the cold person that broke his heart and change things for him. So he wasn't l really looking at her, at her body language. It is so sad to think the life he coud have had, they all could have had, because none of the things that happen with Katherine would have happened, if he got married and had a child, Katherine wouldn't have the chance to get to know him and changing her plan to go and stay with the Lockwood, she changed plans because she saw Stefan on the road and the actraction spell, made her go to him. So many things would have been different. And Stefan that is the one that hate being a vampire the most, felt the impact of such news in the most devastating way possible. It wasn't something casual to tell to Caroline over the phone, while he is still processing things and Stefan is not the best at communicating things that are complicate and that could have serious repercussions on his love life, we saw it with Elena and now we see it with Caroline, typical Stefan.


Oh I am so with you in the dispise of Lilly. She is despicable, to say the list. She left a 17 years old Damon in charge to protect Stefan from an abusive father, when she come back she never missed any occasion to remind to Damon that she doesn't care for them that she replased them with random people, she call her children in front of him, she took their house, and put the cherry on the cake she made Kay to spell Elena into a coma linked to Bonnie so that perhaps she hoped Damon would feel like wanting to kill his best friend, to break him even more. She took the life Elena had, to punish all the people that love Damon and Elena, to punish Bonnie too. Dispicable. She is as cruel as anybody can be and to think that, that is their mother is ...yeah she most definatelly won worse mother ever. The way she was telling Damon that her love for Julian was a comparison for Damon's love for Elena to manipulate Damon to turn him on her side was so nasty, knowing she put Elena in a coma. She looked at Valery, that spilled the bins on how bad she is, with contempt, because she is a narcissist that demand submissiveness or else, and in her mind she showed her disrespect by calling her out in front of what, conviniently she remember are her sons, calling them so just when she wants manipulate the situation to her advantage, to be a victime. Yep, she is malicious and she has a companion that suits her maliciousness. I don't blame Damon one bit for wanting to kill her on the spot when he learn what she did or for wanting revenge making her suffer as him, Elena and everybody she messed up the life of, suffer. Bonnie gets him, even more than Stefan does and she is behind Damon and his reasons 100%.


I love how everyone’s reaction to Bonnie and Enzo is always “never considered that, but I’m intrigued” LMAO


I think you’re thinking of procedural memories. An amnesia patient would still know how to walk, talk, might even be able to instinctively walk home from their regular grocery store, while the memories they lose are episodic aka moments in their lives. A good depiction of this is in The Bourne Identity, but I won’t give any spoilers in case you haven’t seen the movie (it’s totally worth watching if you haven’t!)