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Absolutely adore crime/murder mystery stories!! If u have any other recommendations please lemme know down below!

Link 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bjaLvQA9v9iSi-QVdc1LofXmvnW9ZrDH/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s9t7qhe9evpgqiku4l6dg/EH.mp4?rlkey=md1vyx4w2tvsnv1y8p11upig3&dl=0

Google Drive Tip: It takes time for Google Drive to process videos. If it says "still processing" or is only allowing you to view at 360p, then you can always come back later or download the video in full

Dropbox Tip: The quality of the video is lower while streaming so I recommend downloading or using google drive if thats an issue


Elizabeth Gates

Movie Suggestion - Knives Out, if you like murder mysteries

Mickey Ross

unrelated but please watch saltburn if you haven’t already :)