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Annabeths growth this season already has me sitting here like a proud dad 😭

Link 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_8G_1qG1wk7onAvav0l64GTwqJxPUJ87/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8yyezup5pg9y7o6nq96tm/PJ-S1E5.mp4?rlkey=b8vzptrf5h007ole1h5x21bke&dl=0

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Kitty Underwood

Annabeth lived with her dad for 7 years before running away, how has she never seen a movie??

Kitty Underwood

I don't think Hephaestus was working with Ares. I think he just wanted anyone that helped Ares to be punished. This scene was actually much different in the books, and it seemed more of a setup to catch Ares and Aphrodite in the act. Tbh though, I liked what they did in the show more, first with the tunnel giving Hephaestus's story and how he was mistreated from birth, then the throne statue thing. It did look really cool and honestly kind've creepy, like imagine being 12 and watching your friend who is the same age being encased in gold and turned into a statue. That would be horrifying. Ares fighting on twitter I think is all the show. I know the books didn't mention twitter, but I don't recall him starting online fights at all either