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Our current creative affair is the mini-setting El-Unore Reaches, inhabited by feyfolk of all kinds. Satyrs play an integral part in this setting as seers, stargazers, and sources of wisdom. We have recreated the statblock for the El-Unore satyr for D&D 5e and also created a brand new one for Shadowdark RPG which we share with you here (attached below).

Let us know of any suggestions or interesting fey-themed things that you envision for these stargazer satyrs. We'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions.

Image by Agostino Carracci (Public Domain).




Looks really nice. If you are looking for cool ideas I'd say look about Una The Fairy Queen. Comes from Irish Celtic myths. Tons of Fairy type creatures in Celtic cultures from everyday helpful fairies to powerful protectors.