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We're currently working on a small underground region inhabited by dwarves. There is a place where a set of four giant effigies of ancient dwarven kings lie. These dwarven rulers are shrouded in mystery and deep lore.

We're hunting for cool ideas of:

  • Interesting encounters that could occur here.

  • Legends about this place.

  • Reasons why the locals (dwarves) might fear it

  • Any crazy idea that comes to your mind

So shoot!




Perhaps there is a rune or gem that used to hold a specific energy (defined by mental/emotional strength of each ruler) and they are required to open a space within each effigy, that holds something the party requires to complete a puzzle or a step towards an end goal. The energy could need to be refilled by specific acts by part members. Or it could be corrupted.

Jacob Vardy

My first thought was the Man in the Iron Mask. A prisoner who knows something, or whose very existence is an embarrassment to a powerful dwarf lord. The kings secret twin sibling. An embezzler who robbed the treasury dry. The architect of a secret passage. An assassin with the mind of a child.... There are rumors of monsters to keep people away. The chief gaoler knows the secret, and is trying not to kill anyone to secure the prisoner. So there is an elaborate shadow play to keep the secret - signs of an ancient dragon; entrances concealed with non-magical visual illusions, doors with passwords that only a dutiful dwarf would know.... The gaoler is a kind of Inspector Javert - dutiful to a fault. Someone who will do what they can to scare people away but if intruders penetrate the secret the gaoler will regretfully imprison them too. You could have a bossfight where the boss literally weeps at what their duty compels them to do.