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Gnolls, gnolls, and more gnolls!

This month's mini-campaign setting will be about saving the region from a legion of humanoid hyenas. What ideas, concepts, or crucial elements do you consider paramount for a gnoll-themed quest? What would you like to see within the following maps and adventures?




My campaign has this shop in it, courtesy of Reddit user u/Patergia and a d100 reddit list. This has my party interested in fighting rare/unusual humanoids haha. I think it would be cool to have this feature in some way. Kesheki's Weapon Shop: A store in the darkest corner of the town run by a curiously well mannered female gnoll, Kesheki. The shop sells all kinds of the most exotic and vicious weapons imaginable. The only currency Kesheki will accept are the scalps of humanoids, the stronger the creature the scalp was taken from the more valuable the scalp is.

Nordic Stan

Gnolls; their god, rituals of the pack, youth ritual trial of the pack(steal a child). The rush of blood in honor of the Gnoll god. Leader of the pack.


Ok this is dark, gory, and awesome. I might use this entirely, thanks for the comment!