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Denizens of the tower, the next Dungeon Vault Magazine is called "The Scaldind Duchy".

It'll be a massive desert regional map where goblins need help restoring the right temperature fo their home.
However, goblin nomads and barbarians inhabit the desert and are a danger to travelers. We were thinking to give the goblins unique mounts.

What animal or beast do you picture goblins riding through the desret dunes?



I'd image them riding some kind of hyena like animal or large desert insects like scarabs.


Big frilled lizards so fleet of foot they practically glide over the hot sand! Also, I'm excited that you're covering so many biomes. I am gearing up to run a hexcrawl using these regional maps as areas of extended interest.

Jacob Vardy

Emus. 1) Goblins are small enough to ride them. 2) They reproduce very quickly, so a couple of good seasons can lead to giant flocks (because it is not always dry in the desert). 3) Emu feathers work as a kind of padded armour (enough for the birds to survive quite large caliber gun fire) . 4) And their kick can disembowel a regular sized human. If you want to be really nasty, give the goblins cassowaries. Slightly larger than an emu but far more aggressive. However, newly hatched cassowaries can imprint on humans. Technically, they are a rain forest creatures but domesticated cassowaries could be brought down from the rain forest highlands to the desert plains.


I think I remember a documentary where they covered the cassowaries and they were portrayed as nasty and territorial. That's a great idea.